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Supersize Me


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Saw this on Friday at the Bytown. I don't know the last time I laughed so hard! It is shocking at points, informative at others but most of all a really good laugh. Highly recommended.

Just don't make dinner plans for afterwards, you won't feel like touching food except water and celery.

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This is the movie where he ate mcdonalds for 30 days right? Thats good and all but really, I don't need to see this to know if you eat greasy burgers for a month you'll gain weight. Also I read he skewed the results of his "experiment" by practically doing little exercise. In the same article I read the person critisizing the movie did her own mcdonalds experiment where she actually exersised and lost weight. not that weight loss is indicative of health but you get the point. If calories burned is greater than calories consumed then you'll be fine. no stupid atkins or GI diet will help if you don't exercise. funny movie though?

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I refuse to get involved and ruin the movie for any potentials, but I will say this: it has much more to do with weight gain, and the no exercise thing for the most part replicates the typical McDonald's consumer: one of the 60% of Americans who are overweight and/or obese.

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Also I read he skewed the results of his "experiment" by practically doing little exercise. In the same article I read the person critisizing the movie did her own mcdonalds experiment where she actually exersised and lost weight.

Like ahess I don't want to spoil the movie, but I'd like to say that that was actually part of the point he was making - he was trying to emulate the amount of activity average Americans (who by and large don't work out) get. So the "skewing" was actually part of the experiment - he was trying to see how unhealthy the whole eat-crap-and-sit-around lifestyle really was, not necessarily just the food.

I'd recommend this movie very highly, it was an amazing combination of hilarious and disturbing. Very much in the Michael Moore school as far as trying to use shock-value and humour to get a serious point across.


Mr. M.

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McDonald's to fight film's claims

By Stephen Dabkowski

June 14, 2004

Morgan Spurlock's Super Size Me has McDonald's spitting chips.


Trailer: Supersize Me

After weeks of silence, McDonald's is fighting back. The fast food company has launched a multi-million-dollar advertising campaign to counter the documentary Super Size Me.

McDonald's has filmed three commercials, which will begin airing on Tuesday - including one to be shown at cinemas before the movie to dispute some of the film's claims.

They will feature the chief executive of McDonald's Australia, Guy Russo, and will claim it was "stupid" for the film's star, Morgan Spurlock, to eat only McDonald's food for 30 days.

"No one eats McDonald's food three times a day, every day, and no one should," Mr Russo said. "We believe, and have always believed, that . . . McDonald's can be eaten as part of a well-balanced diet."

"What Mr Spurlock set out to do, which was to double his daily calorie intake, deliberately not exercise and over-eat, was totally irresponsible."

Mr Spurlock claims he consumed 13.5 kilograms of fat, increasing his weight by 11.25 kilograms.

McDonald's Australia is the first McDonald's in the world to use advertising to attack the movie publicly. Until now the strategy has been to ignore it, but recent research from customers indicated that McDonald's silence might be taken as an admission of guilt.


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Ms.hux and I headed over for the flick at yesterday's matinee.

I really enjoyed it. His documentation of the school diet was seriously unbelievable. There is absolutely no education time being spent on nutrition still to this day.

I know when I was growing up, I had no clue what the hell food meant. I really only learned what food was actually comprised of a few short years ago, on my own.

I'm sure if we were brought up with some serious nutrition and exercise education, we'd all be much better off. Stuggling to understand why we feel sluggish, or putting on pounds is all too preventable.

I really appreciate the people involved in making this film and trying to knock some sense into people. There's a long way to go though.

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no kidding.

I was at the depanneur yesterday and I really get blown away at the amount of candy that is displayed.

This is the crap that I think we all probably saved our pennies for, but there is so much of it now. Little tubes filled with sugar nuggets and the little 'perfume' vials of liquid sugar called 'candy spray' are just 2 of the many many sugar items on sale for kids.

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When I worked as a convenience store sales rep for Nestlé I learned that the most profitable items on the shelves were, in order:

1. Tobacco

2. Soft Drinks

3. Ice Cream

4. Candy

So if you're ever wondering why those are the easiest things to find in the whole place...

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