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now I've seen it all


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what a brilliant idea

i can't believe you people are putting this smut down.

it's all the bad vibes people put in the adult entertainment industry that really makes it so bad.

sure some people can't handle it but it's topless racing. if you wanna bet on squirrels down your pants you can too and i won't turn my nose up at it. just won't put a squirrel down my trousers for the purposes of gambling.

long live the aerodynamic areola!

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thanks dude. sure i know how to party...i just dont' always choose to party. i think that's the difference. i practice restraint. now if the thoroughbreast racing team came to my home and wanted a place to practice i'd whip up the kool aid and start baking brownies. doesn't mean i'm flying to vegas to see titties.

now BK...when should we get together and help me find a reason to let loose?

i'll bring some loot for some racing bets...i'm sure we can find boobies somewhere in p-bro.

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what a brilliant idea

i can't believe you people are putting this smut down.

it's all the bad vibes people put in the adult entertainment industry that really makes it so bad.

sure some people can't handle it but it's topless racing. if you wanna bet on squirrels down your pants you can too and i won't turn my nose up at it. just won't put a squirrel down my trousers for the purposes of gambling.

long live the aerodynamic areola!


I don't recall saying anything about this bothering me,in fact I offered an insiders tip.... ;)

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Esau...i said 'you people' and you, my friend are a beast.

thanks for the tip. the c cup is still mighty fine but won't weigh the girls down or flap too hard...smart thinkin.

so i guess MarcO - why're you such a downer?

breasts are lovely and if i could make some money running because i had a nice set of tits i would. if i were marketable i'd love it. everyone'd see my nipples all the time.

personally i'd go fo r the a cups even though there's less of a gamble. at least i'll be able to make some guaranteed money so i can buy some of those phillies some drinks.

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so i guess MarcO - why're you such a downer?

Ok, Gumby - then spell it out for us. Tell all of us why it's ok to sort women out by their breast size and have them race topless around a track for money. Be sure to explain why I'm a downer for expressing my negative reaction to it too. It's an important point apparently - you raised it, so go ahead, I can't wait.

Go on.

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so i guess MarcO - why're you such a downer?

Ok, Gumby - then spell it out for us. Tell all of us why it's ok to sort women out by their breast size and have them race topless women around a track for money. Be sure to explain why I'm a downer for expressing my negative reaction to it too. It's an important point apparently - you raised it, so go ahead, I can't wait.

Go on.

One thing to remember is that it's not so much "sort[ing] women by breast size and hav[ing] them race around a track" it's letting women choose to be sorted by breast size and having them race (voluntarily) around a track.

To my thinking, it's kind of juvenile and silly, but no more juvenile and silly than, say, letting men (or women) choose to be sorted by weight and having them (voluntarily) punch each other to the point of unconsciousness.



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To my thinking, it's kind of juvenile and silly, but no more juvenile and silly than, say, letting men (or women) choose to be sorted by weight and having them (voluntarily) punch each other to the point of unconsciousness.



Oh, so now we're picking on *my* pastimes, are we?



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if it were the same but with women betting on men it'd be funny and politically correct. on a whole we as a society have gotta lighten up but at the same time, educate people about things. why say 'that's horrible' all the time?

you want some reasons it's okay?

A: it helps the economy - people spend money and it's a lot better than buying sweatshop merchandaise, slave trade coffee, or a teenage hooker in thailand.

B: it gives people somethng to do that's better than watching survivor reruns

C: it gives stupid busty women with no other career objectives a feeling of fulfilment and cuts down on competition for the SMART busty women enterting the workforce

D: it gives not so stupid busty women with a desire for money a chance to make it

E: it gets shallow men out of the house so that their wives can either have time to themselves to pamper themselves or leverage in the divorce settlement

F: bouncing tits make a lot of men very happy, and there are a lot of unhappy people kicking around.

that's just a few.

I dont' feel that I should have to villify or defend any sport but I dont' think that this one is any worse than any professional sport. the women don't take steroids or get paid ridiculous sums of money, and it's all in fun.

now if it was Sybian riding i'd have an issue cause if i were a kid i wouldn't be allowed to watch it...sybian riding...where it's the cowgirl that bucks!

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you want some reasons it's okay?

A: it helps the economy - people spend money and it's a lot better than buying sweatshop merchandaise, slave trade coffee, or a teenage hooker in thailand.

B: it gives people somethng to do that's better than watching survivor reruns

C: it gives stupid busty women with no other career objectives a feeling of fulfilment and cuts down on competition for the SMART busty women enterting the workforce

D: it gives not so stupid busty women with a desire for money a chance to make it

E: it gets shallow men out of the house so that their wives can either have time to themselves to pamper themselves or leverage in the divorce settlement

F: bouncing tits make a lot of men very happy, and there are a lot of unhappy people kicking around.

That's horrible.

Not awesome. Total bunk.

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MarcO, just out of curiosity, what if the race were held in Hamilton, with all proceeds going to help out a local charity? A woman has the right to be topless in this province (though I haven't personally seen any), so what gives you the right, in this example, to be upset? I'm not defending anyone here, just curious why you take so much interest in defending topless women? I've seen girls flash bands like Tala and nero, seen many women's breasts at Phish festivals, as well as being exposed to them while watching movies. It's not a mystery as to what they look like. I would definately take issue if these women were forced at gunpoint to race in front of men against their will. If these women voluntarilly signed up to race, then you have no right to be upset.

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I have every right to be upset, Jay.

Geez! ::

Flashing a band is one thing. I do it to Nero all the time. Man-boobs come in real handy from time to time. Like when I'm trying on a bra in Sears.....

But let me make this clear: I'm not a prude. Far from it. I'd be arrested if my private thoughts were made public just when I'm riding the freakin' bus to work! One of life's great pleasures - as a dude - is enjoying the female form. Goddamn, girls are good. Say it with me brothers: "GIRLS ARE GOOD!".

I just simply thought this event shows the poorest of taste - ergo, "that's horrible" - and I can't believe that now I'm defending myself for thinking that way. :: I understand that things like this happen, I understand there are a lot of dudes that would enjoy it, and I understand no-one is putting a gun to these girls' heads and forcing them to race. But I don't have to like it, I don't have to be one of those guys, and I wish women didn't have to feel that some value in their lives can be found by hiccuping around a track, naked, for leering men.

I'm happy to drop this now but I guarantee I can't be the only onw on this board that feels this way. Spare a thought or two for the beautiful, thoughtful women that really make this board a special place. They deserve respect.

That's it for MarcO. Now, what else can I argue about today? Hmmmmmmmm........ ;)

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That's horrible.

Not awesome. Total bunk.

Fine Marc0,you don't like it,youy made that more then clear.What else am I doing wrong in my life then.I don't seem to recall TELLING YOU to like it or even debating it with you.I got a laugh at the ridiculous comment that was made,as I have seen many other people on this board do on many other subjects alot worse then this one.

Funny thing about individuals eh? What we find funny.Some find that lame ass Dave Chapple guys humor of slapping women etc funny,and with no moarl high ground lectures being made by folks here and that guys humor is violence to women (alot worse IMO) which got nothing but laughs from the board,some find topless racing funny,some find smart ass comments funny (like the above CB one I commented on),and then some don't.You know me in person (real life),so now,are you judging me in a moral capacity?

I think theres been way too much drama in this thread and others which this was brought up in,for a topic you don't like and are so against you sure were able to get it bumped from page 4 or 5 to page one quick.

I'm not looking to debate it,just rebutte to your TELLING me what is or is not funny to ME.(ie:CBs comment).If that makes me a asshole/jerk/rude/disrespectful or whatever so fuckin be it.Because any women I have dated or become friends with knows the REAL story and me.

Jesus,I hope you get on the members who post the "I'm Rick James Bitch" David Chappell quotes/sound clips etc as much (even more I hope) since those comments are 10 fold more awful then this thread.

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I think Esau summed a lot of it up for me too. i think that ther's a difference between Women and Boobs.

i think it's a fun event although in poor taste.

I wouldn't get mad at any women for doing it but i wouldn't be the asshole that yells various raunchy things at them.

of course it's in poor taste. that's why it's worth comment.

I just don't know why we can't all just have fun and not have nagativity towards something rather than just not supporting something.

just because it's not cool doesn't mean it's specifically horrible.

and come on guys...isn't it nicer to see breasts when they're not being bet on or bouncing up and down around a racetrack?

i sure think so. especially cause you can touch them...if you're lucky

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I understand that things like this happen, I understand there are a lot of dudes that would enjoy it, and I understand no-one is putting a gun to these girls' heads and forcing them to race. But I don't have to like it, I don't have to be one of those guys, and I wish women didn't have to feel that some value in their lives can be found by hiccuping around a track, naked, for leering men.

All good,then why continue argueing about it? Or making any other comment then your first comment? Especially since "you understand" that "alot of dudes" would like this.I don't get how it would be fun to sit and watch topless women I could never have a chance with (like a strip bar) but I'm not getting upset at my friends who go to strip bars or shitting on them.

I highly doubt Marc0 that CB or any other guy in this thread is "one of those guys" in person either.

I would think that writing a letter to the folks who put this on,or a womens group,or human rights group would be a more useful way to oppose this then calling CB names,telling others what to think or how to.

"Still waiting on a typically thoughtful, mature answer to my question".

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