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thursday fun - contact/jomomma!


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And here I was all ready with a roll-call...

OK, I'll trim it down to the URLs...



Cafe Dekcuf

Contact 2004-04-30

Jomomma 2004-04-30

(You'll have to be a JamHub member to get at the downloads.)

Capital City Beer Festival

This is also the first "jam" show at Dekcuf in, well, I can't remember how long (since Nero's Eve, maybe?). Let's get a good crowd out for it and show the bar what this kind of show can draw.



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i'll be sure to park somewhere

i checked the other thread before this one.

i'm sooooooooooo excited.

woo hoo!

okay...so when are you folks heading down? wanna walk about in a group or should i park and leave my car and you just wonder when i got there(i have no clue when you'll be back home from work)



gonna be smokin!

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ow...ow...ow...ow...whose dumb idea was it to make the nights shorter anyway? When's a guy supposed to get some sleep?

Do you guys want to know what you missed? Do you want to know how Jomomma not only played both "Spanish Castle Magic" and "Bust A Move", but teased "YYZ" as well? No? Do you want to know how Contact put on a show that kicked New Deal's a** all over the place? How they punished us until half an hour after last call? How good a crowd we had out, but how few Skanks?

No? You don't want to know that? Well, then, you shouldn't have read this...



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I felt a lot of positive energy that I haven't from tND in awhile.

i was totally impressed. if folks would've been out and dancing it would've been INCREDIBLE...it would've totally been a career builder.

People have lives and it's hard to party on a thursday. I learned that saying 'you guys are no fun' is really inaccurate. it's all the OTHER people in the city that don't go out that's the problem. i see where brad's going with the comment but tonight's a bigger jam night for ottawa, as well as tomorrow night being a huge time with grand national(which i'll be at) it's expensive to do it up right. i used to not drink and still sometimes don't so it's affordable but not everyone is willing to go out and party sober. i know how much more fun it can be with booze and/or drugs.

I'm happy my job interview got puched back AGAIN...the third time. at least i was prepared...except for the resume which i drove all the way home to get. glad i can chill in the country. anyone want to come and chill in the out of doors in the forest with some beers?

i'll get the pints if someone brings the weed/lsd/mushrooms/nitrous/whatever. i'd at least go halvsies on the total cost.

drop a line if you wanna do'er up on a friday...or whenever.

45 minutes southwest of ottawa between merrickville and kemptville...after the offramp of the 416 there're 3 turns including in the driveway...

you'll need a car or helicopter.

me picking you up and dropping you off changes the cost structure since i'm tired, but get me into tala and get me a couple of beer or something and i'll be your chauffeur for the day.

remember to remind me if you ever want to take advantage of this potentially fun and debaucherous offer.

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i was totally impressed. if folks would've been out and dancing it would've been INCREDIBLE...it would've totally been a career builder.

That guy (Justin?) who won the Contact CD for dancing is well on his way to having a career, I think...it was kind of like watching Mark Tonin on speed...and it was also the best advertisement I can imagine for the brand of duct tape I use ('cause of the way he was dancing/scuffing on top of the taped-down extension cord I was using to power the taping rig, and how the duct taped frayed, rolled up, but never let go).



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Did you leave before they had the girls on stage?\

I guess I did, 'cause I don't remember that at all...

Rob...BradM...I am sooo glad that you were there last night

Right back at ya, lady. "Shared pain is lessened, shared joy is increased."



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if you know how happy i was that you showed up to show me around to the wellington tent you'd be flattered.


Maybe we should go back tomorrow?? :)

Did you leave Dekcuf before I was up on stage? Did you get that last little jam ontap BradM?

(the more I think about it, the more fuzzy the end is)

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Did you leave Dekcuf before I was up on stage? Did you get that last little jam ontap BradM?

(the more I think about it, the more fuzzy the end is)

I have no memory of you being on stage, and I'm pretty sure I stopped recording once Contact started taking their gear apart (as soon as Bryanthesounddude started playing pre-recorded stuff over the PA).

If I find anything of you on the tapes, though, it's all yours.



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