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Phish w/ Jay-Z on Hova's website


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"I heard they never really love you'till

You're dead or you're gone

So I'm leavin'right after this song."

Go to an illegal download site and find DJ Dangermouse - The Grey Album. I was talkin'bout it in another thread but it's effing great. Beatles White Album/Hov's Black Album... Yowsa!!!!!! Illegal sampling rules.

I played it for the Sheik and he was lovin'it... check it out, it doesn't cost a dime and you get to rip off two bands at once! And they're both sooooooooo rich they'll never even notice.

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Guest Low Roller
Isn't Jay-Z also retiring after this album, though?

Yeah, you're right unfortunately. Dammit, why can't Puff Duddy or 50 Scents retire instead?

I got to check out the Grey Album. I've heard so many good things about it. And the record companies definitely DID notice, and they made DJ DangerMouse stop selling it. However it can be easily found on the Internet, a place where anything goes.

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Guest Low Roller

Not to highjack this thread, but Puff Daddy was seriously the most overrated rapper of all time IMHO. The only tracks of his that were any good (i.e. Mo' Money, Mo' Problems) were the ones with Mase taking most of the verses. I'm glad Duff Paddy is retiring.

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Guest Low Roller

Yeah, that song was a travesty. I wonder how much green Jimmy Page sold his soul for to be in the video. He wasn't even playing the guitar in the actual song. The song used samples of the Machine Head guitarist (I think) playing the main Kashmir riff.

Weak rhymes and weak flow. Puff Daddy should just stick to his fancy-pants dance steps and let someone talented control the verses.

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Weak rhymes and weak flow. Puff Daddy should just stick to his fancy-pants dance steps and let someone talented control the verses.

You mean the same dance he ALWAYS does in every video he's ever been in? Let's face it, the guy knows how to be a producer, but when it comes to dancing and rapping, he licks balls...

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