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Lost in Translation...


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So, I finally saw this movie for the first time last night and I must say I was not impressed. I heard a lot of people say how they thought it was one of the greatest movies they've seen this/last year. For all those that thought that, I would like to know what they liked so much about it. The one thing I did like is the fact that it was all shot in Japan which added a very realistic feel to the movie.

For some reason, I get the feeling that most people gave this movie such praise because it was an independant film and its cool to like independant films, no?


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I think they gave it such a high rating because of how it featured two intelligent people developing a relationship, without having it be the usual type of sex/romance comedy. The dialog is intelligent (i.e., you believe that the characters are actually intelligent), and the relationship has enough depth-of-character to keep you interested in what the characters are saying and doing.

(Note that I haven't seen the movie, but the above is what I recall from reviews of people like Roger Ebert.)



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Guest Low Roller

I really enjoyed Lost in Translation when I first saw it. I liked the movie because it was completely different from anything I've ever seen before, and it was a pleasure watching Bill Murray do some of his best acting in recent memory. The plot was very original, as was the cinematography, and had certain intangibles that made it stand out in my mind.

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