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Assistance required *solved*


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I'm attempting to get my FTP server running right now for a Dylan trade and past attempts (last night) were unsuccesful.

At the moment I have my fiewall configured as posted on zone labs site suggests and have my XP friewall configured properly.

What I need is someone wwho uses FTP to access (or try) my server to see if I was indeed successful with configuration or not.

Heres the info


login : jambands

PW: livemusic

port: 21

I can add some music once I know its working fine and will be able to take a couple requests for music to add to it and leave the server running for all of the weekend and next week as I will be away.

At the moment there is only two files available.

If someone could check to see if they can access this and let me know it would be greatly appreciated and I'll add anything off my trade list that fits on my HD to the server for ya.


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Thanks guys.

I was able to figure it out with just trial & error.Turns out I wasn't allowing UDP ports access (even though I was told to never) as soon as I set the ports for those I was able to connect and then you guys.

Someone is downloading right now,but I cannot leave it running yet,as I have more things to configure which involves rebooting.

I will however be leaving it on with a bunch of shows online for anyone who wishes to download from me all weekend & next week.(unless my PC crashes,then too bad,I wont be here,sorry)

The Renaldo & Clara is the unreleased movie (3 VCDs) that Bob Dylan made back in 75.I'm trading some Dylan with a guy and he wants to use the FTP,go figure when I had 15 GB of Dylan to trade on my (now shot) HD,no ojne wanted to trade via FTP,now that I only have 8GB HD (3 used by programs) I have 6 requests for FTP trades...argh.

Anyway,whoever is downloading,I will let this one complete since its small (Jerry Garcia 1961) finish,even though you'd get it alot faster from the torrent link I provided the other week.Then I have to turn the server off until tomorrow or friday.

Here's my list:


I'm currently not trading any shows right now,but will add some to my FTP.

Paisley,bouche & bradm you guys get first call on what ya want on there.

After I add those whatever room is left I will accomadate any other requests I can.

Any other connections to my FTP today will be terminated.

Sorry,but I got things to do here.



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No one else jumped on.

Must just be that I'm doing other things on here.That download should continue afterwards if you wish to get it still.

I have a few GB left of room and will use what I can for music while I'm away.

Thanks again.

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