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Weird link of the day


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lots of goth's in that there live journal. this one is the best.


i fu©king hate nebraska. my mom made me go see my fat stupid uncle for laborday on his farm. everyone from my lame pretentious family was tehre. they all try to live their mtv lives i hate them. i hope they all get ran off the road by a truck and feel the pain i mentally go through each day. everyone except jerry. jerry is coool. he understands me. we werent allowed to go see the sacred lamb show. our fu©king parents are related to hitler. jerry was so cool. he set our little cousins stupid climbing tree on fire and put dark army by dimmu borgir on at full volume. it was the coolest thing i've ever seen.

here is jerry:


on sunday mom forced me to go to the ice cream parlor to get ice creams. i threw mine away when she wasnt looking. fu©king fascist. i was writing my poems in nebraska and jerry came over and said "you dont need that crap" and set them on fire. he was so right. i dont to write about them. but i think i will for a while anyway. i want to take jerry to my school and show those mtv loving britneys and n syncs what nonconformatizm is about. and make their eyes bleed.

i need to go do the schools fu©king nazi homework now.


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