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attention all you Dead lovers!!!!

It is my absolute pleasure to announce on Sunday October 10th, (thanksgiving sunday and holiday on monday) the Great Canadian Bar will be hosting Harvard Mouse and Rose Garland!!!!!! So, after stuffing your asses with your thanksgiving dinners, you may need to work off some of that excess food, and no better way than gettin a groove on!!! Hope to see ALL OF YOU there. :: :: :: :: THERE!!! :: :: :: ::

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Looking forward to this gig in a big way ... sharing a stage with Rose Garland is a blast ... I'm confident that a healthy contingent of people from the Niagara Region and St. Catharines will be at the show ... heck, lately there's been a healthy contingent of people from St. Catharines at the Kitchener shows! ;) ::

Squeak squeak, gobble gobble,


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