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Bush's Top Ten Flip Flops


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The thing that scares me a bit is that Bush seems to be teflon. Here is the most evil and irresponsible president that the US has ever had full of 1984 style statements and actions (it's not only the war folks, he is screwing the economy, environment, education ... you name it) and even after the evidence is presented 50% of Americans still support him ... almost blindly. Even his "born again Christian" stance is a lie. When asked what passage of the bible he read today, he can't answer.



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no doubt... like having a selfish and disturbed child in charge of the most powerful country on the planet... its like a doomsday book, but real... certainly teaches a lesson about the power of media and how poorly educated and uninformed much of America public is (besides the wealthy ones who just love conquest and power, which probably only accounts for 10% of that 50%)

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i've met a lot of people in canada who like bush. if you ever talk to people over forty who are well off (ie. own their own large home, two cars, vacations, investments etc.) they like bush because he is preserving the status quo, if not even making the divide between the owners and workers even larger. class jumping is next door to impossible now, and if bush wins it will only get worse. i can't think of one of bush's policies that i agree with or that advances human development in any way. i guess if you are already at the top of the financial ladder nothing else matters if you are a shallow and gluttonous republican.

and that is my angry rant for the week.

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First debate goes tonight. I think that Kerry will be able to out debate Bush, but I don't know if that will make a difference in the long run.

Bush has his catch phrases that his followers love to hear. "They hate us for our freedom", "The evil doers will be caught". It seems the best way to win anything these days is to have a catch phrase that you can just repeat over and over again, less chance of ever saying the wrong thing. Just wait until he starts quoting "reality" TV, looks over at Kerry, makes his monkey face and says "You're Fired!" His fans will go crazy for that $h!t

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I admire Bush becuase he has big huge brass balls. His country is in a position do do whatever it wants, and he has the guts and gusto to stand up for what he believes in, even if he's a wacko nutjob that should be institutionalised. He is a very strong leader, he's just leading people in the wrong direction.

I hope Kerry kicks his ass. He should get another Purple Heart for that.


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Just wondering about peoples opinions on presidential debates( or debates between any other political opponents)--

Are people's opinions on who they will/wont support swayed in any way by the results of the debate or how a particular candidate performs? I find it hard to believe that with tonights debate especially, either candidate will sway voters from one side to the other.

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