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Suffering Fools


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its all in the way you look at it, all about perception, there is nothing wrong with this scene, and there is nothing wrong with trying to do everything for everyone else, you cannot acheive perfection or constant light, but the more you attempt the more content you might be... Darkness does have its value, especially for those that are emotionally unstable at times and need to take a dip in the pond of creativity... I go for the occasional lap here and there... However, maybe in reality, there is enough darkness, and in this music scene, maybe we get a little bit of light--so don't think of it as something untruthful or negative, because it just ain't....

sometimes the lights all shinin on me,

other times I can barely see

lately it occurs to me

what a long strange trip its been

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are you people new?!??!?

seriously - if I was a member of Diesel Dog (forgive me, Diesel Dog, for presuming your responses), I really wouldn't give a rat's ass what Luke says about my band because, in paying any attention whatsoever to this forum, I'd know by now that what I was doing is totally not his cup of tea, which wouldn't discourage me from doing it. C'est la vie. Onwards and upwards.

so why people's panties are getting in a bunch is beyond me.

I know Luke's a polarizing figure but we need people like that too, even if we don't always agree with the aggressive manner in which he states his arguments. There, I said it.

Some of us like a spanner in the works, other people like it all vanilla all the time. I used to feel that way but life has kicked me in the ass too many times and I've experienced this "scene" for so long that my bubble burst a long time ago. So maybe, that's why I'm a little more empathetic to Luke's (non-personal) frustrations than others.

Doesn't mean I think he or wanyone lese should be airing their dirty laundry online, though. When he crosses a line, people call him on it. And I'm glad that they do.

There's always the "ignore user" function. But admit it, it's not going to be used because you don't want to miss a thing.

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Come on as if anyone is going to use that option. Besides if you did the entire board would make no sense. A bunch of ingrates referring to some wordy pompous wind bag that is as invisible as a Scooby Doo villain. Phosphorescent paint my ass- it's a fu©king ghost.

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i wasn't being metaphorical about my knives. i have a small french knife and a boning knife that are fairly good and i really hate sharpening them. i do a lot of cooking so they get dull really fast and it is a bitch to cook with dull knives. especially because i really like tomatoes.

and as far as calling anyone names, it wasn't personal on my part a: i wasn't there b: i don't know the people anyways. i was trying to be empathetic. it sounded to me like they were boring in your little rant and i spent a lot of time envisioning people's heads exploding just so they would finally do something interesting. so i hope none of the people that are on the board that you were talking about think that i have any sort of opinion about them. i was just trying to help you feel better. but i promise i will never do that again. :)

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Best post in this thread.


I used to feel that way but life has kicked me in the ass too many times and I've experienced this "scene" for so long that my bubble burst a long time ago

My feelings exactly,some folks on here know I have said basically the same thing,just not as eloquently.

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