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New Green Day Album


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i must confess... green day got me started on guitar back in grade 8. thus i've paid them homage by picking up every damn album they put out (so i don't download music...). I have yet to grab this one though... most of the music i buy these days is indie... but i will pick this one up when i get the chance... so i'm curious to read your review...

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True indeed, Velvet. Although the narrative is a little tough to follow. Jesus of Suburbia is definitely a reaccuring character. Saint Jimmy, What's Her Name as well.

Here's someone else's explaination......

There's a kid wrapped around a world of misconception and he has nowhere to go and feels hopeless and miserable. So this kid, AKA Idiot of America or J. (Jimmy/Jesus), is confused about government, feels dead in society, and has no idea what to do or where to go. He has split personalities, St. Jimmy, his rebel punk '**** you' kind of attitude rebelkid, and Jesus of Suburbia, a more reclusive introverted kid. Anyway, I'll break it down by songs. American Idiot is about how he's lost in a world of confusion and how government is ****ing him over and such. Same thing with Holiday...how he objects to certain things which are too big for him, and he can't do a single goddamn thing about it. He feels helpless and alone. Jesus of Suburbia introduces us to JOS, and his beliefs and how he was concieved (father's rage and mother's love), which is the right side of the kids brain. St. Jimmy is also brought out a bit in this section "I DON'T CARE" showing his extreme disgust towards everyone and everything. St. Jimmy REALLY introduces us to St. Jimmy, the left side, the rebelkid **** you punk ****er. His death in the end, is also foreshadowed in this song, when they mention that Jimmy has a 'taste for suicidal'. The 'father's rage' could show the makeup of Jimmy while 'mother's love' could makeup JOS. Whatever, so Jimmy convinces him to leave town, and he does (Boulevard of Broken Dreams and Are We The Waiting)...Then, life on the streets and being alone gets pretty effing bad, and JOS and Idiot America are pleading for Jimmy to make it better and ease the pain (Give Me Novacaine)...so...In admist all of this craziness, St Jimmy meets Whatsername, a same kind of girl like him, shown in Whatsername, Extraordinary Girl, and She's A Rebel...Letterbomb is about the breakup between JOS/St Jimmy and Whatsername, and how all of this confusion still follows him. She taunts him, in the beginning while singing him the "Nobody likes you, everyone left you" bit. This could be taken two ways. Either, Whatsername is singing this to J. as she leaves, or J. is singing this to himself. Anyway, Wake Me Up When September Ends is basically an overall culmination and depression of leaving home, and also, on a personal level, an ode to Billie Joe's late father. Okay, so in Homecoming everything gets summed up. Idiot America and JOS decide to go home while St. Jimmy kills himself off, signifying the initial death of the punkier side of this kid, and East 12th street describes how JOS followed the conformity and gets a job and stuff, but still, traces of St. Jimmy could be found, as he says stuff like "Wishing he could have cigarettes and alcohol with the under belly"...or something..'Rock 'n Roll Girlfriend' is a postcard, mailed to J. by Tunny. Tunny is never really shown in all. He is most likely a friend made by St. Jimmy, near the 711, or something. Tunny is taunting JOS, while JOS is slaving away at work, Tunny has "Rock 'n Roll this...and Rock 'n Roll that".....and JOS starts to flip and goes home. Another round of "Nobody likes you" starts up, as JOS wallows in his self pity, as he comes to the realization that he's gotten nowhere, and he still waits for Whatsername's return, even though she's 'left without a trace.' Anyway, after all of this, Whatsername sums it all up. It's a retrospect look from JOS and St. Jimmy on Whatsername. He can't remember the name...but explains the times they've had, and we also find out Whatsername ended up with Whatsisface. Whatsername flip flops between different sides of J.'s head. If you have the album inlay, you'll notice alternate handwriting, showing the different views of Whatsername from both JOS and Jimmy. Anywho, this idiot of America is left with a loss of what to do, without a girl, without anything, back at home, but still in that "land of make believe that don't believe in me"....so that's basically it. The trials and tribulations of a teenage schizo rocker**** with nothing to do and nowhere to go. He leaves, loves, comes back, loses love (what's in love is now in debt)..and basically just fades into the background back where he came from...a confused, dumbfounded, American Idiot. He comes full circle, gets nowhere, and is still a confused, alone, depressed, messed up person.

Great tunes ta boot!

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Alright, everybody settle down. To set the record straight, nobody is comparing Green Day to Floyd, the Beatles to Green Day, nor declaring this album among the greatest of all time. But it is good, it is different and quite frankly if Creed stepped outside the box, changed their style, put some politically biting commentary as opposed to praising God, and the album got good reviews, I'd probably check it out before bashing it. But they didn't. And Green Day did. And I like it. That is all.

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Yeh thanks for that Scottie, I just want to reinforce the point that I was NOT comparing Green Day to The Beatles in case there was any confusion at all!

The real point was about change and trying new things like the Beatles did when then went from being a very good pop band to being the greatest album rock band in history. Green Day's trying something new? Good for them, it's not like they haven't written their share of pop songs.

- M.

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