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bill hillbillies play ottawa, oct 20


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although i'm feeling the feverish grips of the flu upon me again, i am going to venture into the night in hopes that the bills will soothe my school-induced-stress in a calgon-esque way... i know the velvet is hitting this up, anybody else? not sure about door tix.

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Liana and I went to see them last year up in Mount Forest with Blair and Mud when they lived up there ... great musicians, professional entertainers, lots of fun, very enjoyable ... we saw them in a sit down theatre ... I'd go again!

They said they changed their name to the Bills because everybody kept screwing up the name Bill Hilly Band and everybody expected full-on bluegrass with that name, which it isn't ... some bluegrass influences but mixed in with folk, roots, etc. ...

Peace, Mark

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poopskis! and might i say, this whole adding "skies" to the end of everything is a bit addicting! you missed a night of lovely music my sweet, although, i think i scared off alotta folk with my scratchy 80 year old smoker voice... i swear it's just cuz of this nasty bug i've got... arghhhhh....

edit: how'd you beat me??! extra arggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!! and i am taking you up on the extra treatment b4 bed. heh.

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