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Goodnight, Goodbye


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I used to think that this was a supportive community of friends and family. Now I realize that for the most part it is a crowd of craven drug and alcohol abusers who cannot spend time with one another with out substances. If the music is that good how come we all need to get so fu©ked up?

It will take a long time for me to recover from this. I spent a good amount of time at the hospital tonight. I will never forget those of you who so heinously showed what low values and poor upbringings you have. Anything I have achieved by this day and anything I achieve in the future is by my own sweat and tears. I will not support any of you in your life's work, dreams and aspirations as you have not supported me. This pains me greatly.

Goodnight, Goodbye.

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you know what Luke, I hope you can "handle some constructive criticism" because I think you are making a mistake by ostracizing yourself from this so--called community. First, this is a message board, that revolves around the theme of "jambands." I don't consider this a "community," however, I am thankful that I have come in contact with it, and a result I have found some wonderful friends. One thing in my life I know I have been blessed with, and that is numerous friends from many different areas in life.

I think one of the keys to having and keeping friends is that I can honestly say that I love and respect each and everyone of them. That does not mean I cannot be an a$$hole to them, or that I always have their best interests in mind, but I like to think that I at least do more often than not.

(Anyhow, I am being a little too reflective, and this is definitely not about me) But, I think part of the problem here is Luke is that you are a little dramatic at times, and the way you come off to people has polarized you to a certain extent. You should really take sometime, and look back at some of the things you have said about some of the people that are on this board. How can you expect people to give you their support when you are constantly rubbing their faces in the mud? I don't think you mean everything you say, as I mentioned before, you appear to be dramatic, however, that really is no excuse for not apologizing for the times you have possibly hurt, or disrespected certain individuals on this board. I think the last link where you were attacked got way out of hand. Some of the things said on their were ridiculous and not a true reflection of how people on this board choose to conduct themselves. However, nobody is perfect, and we are all guilty of not thinking before speaking/writing, or just plain old saying really hurtful things in a moment of emotion. I think apologies are probably the most influential words to ever leave someone's mouth. I would think this might be a good time to practice that practice, for I think you will miss this board, and the people you have met here more than you think. This scene may have its share of problems, whether they are drug related or not, but I challenge you to find a group of people that on a general scale, have the best intentions of others at heart. I hope you can step up, and get this whole issue resolved.

Personally, I would miss much of what you bring to this board.

yours sincerely

a concerned acquaintance. Marc

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and i hope you don't mind me calling you buddy. I think you're a real character. You've got a lot of substance and a lot of experiences. You say a lot of really valid, thought provoking things and I have always appreciated it. I've turned the other cheek when things have been said, and i didn't catch what exactly wavinginthewind was getting at...didn't read that anywhere, but maybe i missed it somewhere...which leads me to another point...i've turned the other cheek because you've said something valid and worth thinking about in many of the posts you've also berated and overdramatized. You let things flow and i admire that but I think that you've been through a lot and need some time for healing and growth. I really don't want you to do anything you might regret if you could do over.

Thanks for the advice you've given me and the things you've communicated that have been for the better. Abuse of all sorts is something to think about. I don't thik it's an issue of a society, but one of the individual and the situation. i think with some insight you'll learn that there's just as much abuse of sorts in every other scene...it's just the way things are handled, and that's left up to the individual. and to an individual like you, i've got to say it's time to handle yourself.

You're an intelligent guy that will overcome the emotions that have overcome you.

sleep tight, zero. don't let the bedbugs nite.

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