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Suppression of Thought and Free Speech


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Let the Carnivore and V2 Clipper Chip do their business of sanitizing the internet of potential embarassing information. Some things are hard to hear, some things are inflammatory, some things are hateful and some just plain hurt. They are all however valid, worthwhile and moreover work towards a dialectic synthesis- a meeting of the minds. You do yourselves, this community, Ontario, Canada and the world a great disservice by suppressing free speech that so many have died to win for us.

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You are ignorant and are taking matters FAR too literally. We defend Ernst Zundel's right to deny the wholesale extermination of 6 MILLION JEWS in this country because that is how much we as Canadians believe in free speech. I cannot take responsibility for your misunderstanding of my admittedly sophisticated argument. Read some Chomsky and about a thousand other books and get back to me.

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Eric you're a pathetic human being and an even bigger drug addict then I am (which is saying something). You represent much of what makes this scene so deplorable and yet you have no insight into yourself and your complicity. I couldn't give two shits because you will always be some sh!t ass road manager if you're lucky and I'll have a hundred dicks like you working for me. I know how that sounds but I have worked a HELL OF A LOT harder than you on my education, network, negotiation and communication skills and you're my bitch. You will never see a stitch of work from me (not that you'd want it) and moreover you are explicitly not welcome at any event or festival of mine. If you purchase a ticket it will be rewarded at point of entry.

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uh...i've spent a fair amount of time around shitidiot and It's fairly safe to say that you're confused about drugs if you think he's got a worse problem than you. what...he can do more drugs than you??? are you trying to talk quantity? he's a giant luke...i can take a lot of certain substances and be fine...chemical matters are individual.


I think you were just trying to be mean.

you've slagged somebody that doesn't deserve it.

the mroe you reply the more you seem to dig and dig and dig...

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Dude. You are the smartest guy in the world. Free speech in Canada is protected by the Charter. It applies to government action and public space.

Last I checked this was not a government actor and the space is provided by a private service that the fine people running the show may or may not pay for.

What this means is they are entirely within there bounds to do us all a favour and ban you.

As for not letting shitidiot in to your festivals. Do you think there are many people here left that wish to support you in any way in anything you do.

Give it a fu©king rest man.

When it comes right down to it, I'd venture that people like you are the reason that the world is what it is. You make so many people so goddam sick of your sh!t that they can't be bothered listening to a possible underlying message that may or may not be worth hearing.

You are ignorant and are taking matters FAR too literally. We defend Ernst Zundel's right to deny the wholesale extermination of 6 MILLION JEWS in this country because that is how much we as Canadians believe in free speech. I cannot take responsibility for your misunderstanding of my admittedly sophisticated argument. Read some Chomsky and about a thousand other books and get back to me.
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Is that gash in your leg

Really why you have stopped?

‘Cause I’ve noticed all the others

Though they’re gashed, they’re still going

‘Cause I feel like the real reason

That you’re quitting, that you’re admitting

That you’ve lost all the will to battle on

Will the fight for our sanity

Be the fight of our lives?

Now that we’ve lost all the reasons

That we thought that we had

Still the battle that we’re in

Rages on till the end

With explosions, wounds are open

Sights and smells, eyes and noses

But the thought that went unspoken

Was understanding that you’re broken

Still the last volunteer battles on

Battles on

Battles on

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When it comes right down to it, I'd venture that people like you are the reason that the world is what it is.

So let's take a vote. Is it sh!t disturbing, muck raking (admittedly pig headed) social advocates that are ruining the world or perfectly well educated upright young men with a law degree who instead of standing up for the social rights of the socially repressed prefer to represent large insurance companies and force victims of disaster to settle out for as little as possible? Seriously, if I've got the situation wrong please correct me otherwise, let's take a vote.

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