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MP3 download program???


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Hey all...

i know this is kinda a dark topic, but i have a mp3 cdwalkman and and a mp3 cd deck in my boat, and i'd love to get some more tracks for my mix discs...

yes i realize they are inferior in quality....but they do the trick at school.

I'm pretty sure kazaalite has been shut down...so anyone know of any decent programs for getting some mp3's...preferrably full albums?

I'm using DC++, but its mostly pop crap.



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soulseek is the best out there. I've been able to download almost all my vinyl now.. it's great. Probably the best place to get the lesser known stuff and full albums. It requires some patience since it will only search the network of people currently connected when you do your search, so you may have to search a few times, but you can set it up so it does all that stuff for you. I give it two big thumbs up.

oh.. and the URL to go to to get it is http://www.slsknet.org/ any other URL is just going to give you a virus

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I would go with Limewire. It's a greeeat program. I've never not found something I was looking for, whether it's rock, rave, old school tv themes (like strawberry shortcake) etc. you can even download full shows of south park and other stuff. very cool, and very organized searching.

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I've used Shareaza with excellent results lately. It's a p2p program that scours Edonkey and Gnutella-type networks for your requests.

My only beef is that it's become my default Torrent manager and I can't seem to disable that. It DOES work for Torrents but it's a little weird and I'd prefer keeping the one with that guy's goofy mug.

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