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Moustache for peace


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for those of you i don't know and the rest that i have not seen in a while, i've been growing a moustache . i love it! it's like a hole new world out there with a moustache. people treat you with a new found respect, like when you cut your long hair. i know the only people these day with moustaches are cop's, gay's, and the french but it does not have to be that way. join me in my "bring back the moustache revolution"


the best part of my day is when i look in the mirror and just start laughing and laughin!

"look at the a$$hole with the moustache"

"oh wait thats me"


it's like i'm playing mr. potato head with my own face.

if you can't laugh at your self...........


i have a cross between a chevron and a howie with a little horseshoe

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Burns: I don't get it, Simpson. I'm a bad boy.

Homer: Oh, I know.

Burns: I'm absolutely evil.

Bart: You're preaching to the choir, man.

Burns: What do I have to do, grow a devil beard?

Marge: Devil beard?

Burns: You know, a little goatee thing.

Homer: You mean a Van Dyke?

Burns: No, a Van Dyke has a moustache, doesn't it?

Lisa: I think it can.

Bart: Are you talking about a soul patch?

Burns: No! Wait, maybe.

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