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satellite imagery


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For instance, they have a photo of Fallujah from Nov.5, 2004 here

sure suck to be an iraqi freedom fighter... those satellites can probably tell where every living being is in the city

watched a report on CBC the other day where the reporter managed to interview an Iraqi guy who was from Fallujah and is willing to die before seeing his country americanized which was the wrongest of wrongs to him... little guy, soft spoken and polite... repeated that the americans said before the war they were after saddam so what are they still doing there attacking iraqi's

rumsfiend was on the news last night saying that the push was on to rid the country of terrorists and foreign fighters and make it safe for iraqi's... if you don't submit to the american way you're a terrorist... least its good to hear that a lot of Iraqi's have gotten out of the city (or so says CNN)

(oh yeah, thanks for the cool links)

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Also listened to CBC Radio last night during an interview with a spokesperson for the US Military. He was asked how, once the insurgents are cleared out of Fallujah, will the returning citizens be "screened" to ensure they aren't letting the same people back in?

His response was that there's so many hypotheticals to a war, and that they were dealing with the facts...and the facts are that terrorists are making life a living hell for Fallujans, and the US Army...ahem..a Multinational Force (go go Bulgaria!) would be cleaning up the streets. He "imagined that plans were being made for just such an issue, but (he) wasn't privy to them yet"

I think even the spokesperson realized how shoddy an answer that was.

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This thread has been hijacked!!!

Um... To continue the hijacking, check out the movie Control Room, there are a lot of great scenes with a US Military spokesman. He was bright, articulate, intelligent, and I think he knew he was brainwashed by the Pentagon. He was super willing to learn from the other side though, good character. It's a documentary about Al-Jazeera


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back to remote sensing

you can scope out airphotos at the mnr store's website. they cost 8.50 a piece if you want to order them, but you can view photos of southern ontario online for free here.

edit: looks like you can only preview the infrared ones. click on the map to zoom in to the area you want, then when you get as zoomed in as you can there are yellow dots representing the center point of a photo. click on one and then click the 'preview' button.

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First Base Solutions also has colour airphoto (25cm res) for sale for most of Southern Ontario. They're not ortho'ed so they're kinda useless, but they look cool and are high res. I've forgotten the website and I don't have it bookmarked... FBS is a division of evil JD Barnes..

Edit to add: (Oh yeah - we flew a good portion of the photo for them I believe)


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