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human meat


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it's not a viable lifestyle opportunity, but the best meat an animal can eat is that of its own kind.

so if somebody ever says 'eat me' it's not the worst thing they could suggest.

i'm jsut not into killing people. If it came down to it, I'd be mowing down on the soylent green. As crazy and immoral as it would be, it'd be a great way to curb population crises.

don't worry about me though. i'm too squeamish to slaughter or butcher anything other than a fish.

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When I was considerably younger I once had to watch a couple of people chase a pig with its throat half-slit around a barnyard for the few minutes it took for the wind to leave its sails. That pretty much confirmed my path to vegetarianism (though I also eat fish, in spite of endless viewings of Finding Nemo with the kids).

That said, has anyone ever seen the film "Ravenous"? I think it makes the point well that if the military ever stood up to its own criteria, it would just eat the dead soldiers and civilians it generated at least on the other side - after all, if you're after raw resources, what a great source for protein (armies marching on their stomachs, and all that). Of course, there is the wendigo issue in the movie, but that's only a problem for people with scruples.

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