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Quality Neil Young Shows


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really cully? interesting...got a link?

what kind of neil you looking for? i can point you in the some directions anyways...

Neil fans can be pretty hardcore, and it seems everything has been taped. Your probably finding difficulty in aquiring crisp shows....its tough.

i have a few from each era, and can hook ya up with a few if you'd like...

there's some nice early 70's europe shows, from his solo tour, some great mid 70's crazy horse stuff, so interesting trans tour stuff, lots of 90's solo, pearl jam, and family band stuff...

then into the 2000's there lots of his CSNY tours as well as Crazy Horse Greendale tours, and most recently his solo benefit shows and Bridge School Benefit shows...

Neil rocks, and i love getting Neil stuff out to the masses.


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Thanks everyone for the responses...I do indeed have the show that was on Glide Magazine, and in fact was listening to it while I posted the question...

To answer your questions Steve, I'm not too sure which era I'd like...I'm not a huge fan of a lot of his 80's stuff, but I'm pretty sure I'd dig some either mid 70's, maybe 73-77 or some 90's stuff...either way I really just want to have some crispy neil shows, he's so good and I really only have that one show...

Thanks for the rust link esau

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I checked the shows i have on my hard drive, and this is what i came up with...i'm gonna check my burnt shows in a bit (another 25 or so shows....More of the mid 70's horse stuff...a tougher era to pull quality tapes from)

December 05 1970 - Carnegie Hall - Solo - One Disc

Fantastic Sound...even for 1970! Neil was super pumped to play this show, and his dialogue shows it.

Neil Young and The Blue Notes - August, 27, 1988 - Two Discs

Another amazing souding show...Dont confuse this 80's show with his trans stuff...the Blue Notes are his fantastic horn based band...

Neil Young Solo In Germany - December 8th 1989 - One Disc

This show is the HEAT! Fantastic quality! Neil playing his heart out. One of my favs!

Neil Young Solo in Amsterdam - December 10th 1989 SBD - One Disc

This is probably the best quality Live Neil solo you'll ever find. he plays only a few repeats from two nights earlier...these two nights together make one helluva set!

Neil w/ Pearl Jam In SanFran - June 24th 1995 - Two Discs

A perfect sounding soundboard, this show starts off with 8 or so tracks of PJ playing, (all great songs), then eddie anounces Neil, and things go off the hook from there! The best recording i have of Neil and Pearl Jam...

Neil Solo - Oregon March 1999 - Two Discs

Possibly the best audience recording i have. It gives me chills everytime i listen to it. I'm actually listening to the Dont Let It Bring You Down from the show right now, and i can't turn it to check the quality on the next show...man this show is amazing...

Neil Young w\ Pegi Young - Berkeley Theatre - September 15, 2004 - One Disc

I love listening to this show, cause, well, it happened less than six months ago...and this is what my hero currently sounds like!!!!....amazing! A great audience recording, nice schoeps mics, .... crowd is very respectful.

Neil Young w\ Pegi Young - Duncan BC - September 17, 2004 - One Disc

Another great audience recording...this time from good ole Canada! A benefit show, the crowd totally respects Neil, and keeps pretty quiet! Few of the same songs, and once again, a few new selections from the show two nights earlier.

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hey stevo, long time no see,,, i just got a spindle the other day, was wondering if maybe i could swing by one night and burn some of those crispy neil shows too? or if you wanna burn em and get blanks, whatever works for you brother

giv eme a call or ill call u, either way i want some neil, or else

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my ultimate dream would be for neil to play my wedding,,, ,how much do you think that would be? few grand easy im thinking...

Ask Mike Bloomfield,I have a great VHS of Neil playing his wedding.

Just watching "journey through the past" now....

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the royal festival hall show

If you're talking about


Royal Festival Hall

London, England

Neil Young - vocals, guitar, banjo, keyboards, harmonica

1971 Journey Through The Past Solo Tour

...then I have this show in SHN, and it's fantastic. I think I may have gotten it from Furthurnet some years ago, or a STG vine. I'd be willing to B+P it if it's hard to find.

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