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Burt Neilson Band - April 15th - London, Ont.


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Burt Neilson Band

April 15th, 2005

Call The Office

London, Ontario

alright alright alright!!!! a week and a half away...

folks, this is a call to all... Burt Neilson is coming to town, and we're hoping you'll join us for the shakedown! these guys always bring their A-Game to Call The Office, and we're getting pumped to see 'em! it's been a while since london had a real rocker of a blow-out, so come on down and help us show the rest of these london kids what it's like!

crash spaces will be available at various locations, pre and after parties are in the works, it's the fu©king BNB(!!!) and, as if you needed anymore reason, its in the heart of beautiful london ontario, a short drive from everywhere!

so come on scantuarians, team london wants your help! let's get nuts!! ::

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M, is Friendly going to be coming to London too? If so, can you ask him to bring all my stuff that I left at his place. If he's not, maybe y ou could somehow bring all my stuff that I left at his place?? Pleeeeeease. Stuff: cds, sweater, pipe, cooler.

See you in a week then!

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pre-happenin's at my place, 175 dundas #2.. a quick 2 minute walk to the venue... there's parking, it aint free, but at least you wont get towed... and if anyone wants to come earlier and hang out, have a bbq or whatever, im off all day and i plan on putting some sort of meat to a fire, and maybe even cracking a beer or 2... maybe... ya'll are welcome and, in fact, invited... hope to see some of you folks out for this...

edit: pm me if you want directions or any other pertinent details... whatever those might be... im not really sure..

Edited by Guest
cuz i forgot stuff.
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I want Friday today! After seeing the boys at the Riv two weekends ago, I couldn't be more pumped.\

M, sorry about skipping the afterparty that night. Cranky friend.

There will be no skipping the afterparty on Friday. No how. No way.

C'mon fence sitters. London is:

One Hour from Kitchner, Hamilton, Chatham

Two from T.O.,Windsor, Collingwood

Six From Ottawa

Get into it!!!!

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ahhhh, what a BEEEEAAAAAUUUUUUUUUTIFUL day for some rock n roll!!!

folks, its time to get down with the sound and shake everything cuz there's nothin' to lose!! it's party time in london and we're takin' the cheese-o-meter up a notch!

come on down!!

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London was a blast folks! BNB are by far the best partying band in Canada. Thank you guys!!!

Also a special HUGE thanks to Guigsy for his kind hospitality (as usual). Things didn't look too messy when I left, but I was still having a bit of difficulty focusing. :P You rock buddy! :grin: See you on the 28th.

Nice to meet some new skanks who were out and about as well. Thanks to everyone who sponsored me for the MS Walk. I'm sure a few of you don't quite recall your post-bar donations, but your inebriated generosity is very much appreciated by my family and I. I won't lie, that was a rough 10k, but I was happy to have accomplished so much before noon (it's been a while).

P.S. Studog, what happened to you, dirty? You threw a smoke bomb down pretty early didn't ya? Well, early for you anyway. Hahaha!

Edited by Guest
bein' too damned redundant
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Just a note to say great night on Saturday.

Thanks to BNB for another smokin set. You guys truly are on top of your game right now. That Chevron was disgusting! It was nice hanging out after too.

Thanks to Guigsy for the afterparty. Glad we could have fun, even when you were swimming out in the deep end.

Thanks to all who came out. Good to see so many folks come down for the show. London needs the suppport.

Thanks to Sammy's for the gyros.


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P.S. Studog, what happened to you, dirty? You threw a smoke bomb down pretty early didn't ya? Well, early for you anyway. Hahaha!

ok, ok, what the heck u talk'in bout ? i was one of the last of the given'ers ? until the very last beer was gone anyway . AS USUAL . when beer is gone, i'm gone, i think it was about 8am ?

u were passed out in the bathroom when i left ! ha

but to get back to the thread itself, it was a good time, the bar was rock'in and thanks Guigsy for the hospitality . love your pad and love after parties.

talk to u all soon

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damn... took me a while to get back to shore! glad everyone had a good time.. lets do it again sometime..

burt was awesome on friday nite!! standouts for me were the 2nd song into the nite, These Days i think... the jam into yellow pants was funkin' massive! ummm, yeah, the chevron is a whole other monstrosity to itself, good lord man! and i really dug the second set opener, Distraction.. great songs, great jams, great segues, awesome funkiness, some sweet twang... some sweet ass rock n roll.. thanks for turnin' it out for us.

also, i picked up Jer's solo album... Olmer... pick it up, its pretty good! made me think of an 'in need of medical attention - early tortoise - and jim o'rourke influenced wilco' type of stew... if you're into any of that stuff, you'll probably dig it.

anyways, good times around... lookin' forward to come together!

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