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Burt Neilson Band - April 15th - London, Ont.


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... the jam into yellow pants was funkin' massive!

Agreed! Just listened to that again last night. Great segue into yellow pants!

Another great night of bnb in London. I'm liking the way these things happen on a regular basis.

And Guigsy, huge thanks for the after party! Two Fridays in a row!

I got a good soundboard recording of the show. Maybe after I put it on CD someone can put it up on the archive. I forgot set two in London though so I'll have to get that back first.

I took a few pics at the show:




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I didn't realize that I hadn't even posted comments here. First of all, I had a rough couple days leading up to the show. Woke up early Thursday to study for my 2pm exam. Had to be at work at 4 down the street from the school (they knew I had the exam though and didn't mind that I was a little late), finished up at 9, went home and ate dinner and pretty much crashed. Woke Friday at 5:30 to be on the air at 6, radio show until 9, over to work for 9:30, worked until 6 to make up for taking Saturday off. Got home, crashed again. Woke at 9:45, we slowly got our shit together and headed to L-town at about 10:30. Clearly, I am an old man who needs his sleep stuck in the body of a 22-year-old party animal.

My buddy Sean brought his taping gear but by the time we rolled up to the venue it was 11:30, so we left it in the car. Show had just started, and it was great. I really, really don't see this band enough. I agree, jam into Yellow Pants was rocking, Holes in second set was also a highlight, as was a sprited In the Belly to close the second set. Encore of Shine on you Crazy Diamond was great too. Of course hearing more originals when you don't get to see the band that often is nice, but as they played the tune I couldn't help but think "Where else am I going to go to hear this song played so well, and so true to the original where it's called for, and so loose and interpreted where that is called for?" Good times. Met StuDog after the show, don't know if you remember though dude. Nice to have met you. Guigsy sorry we didn't get it together, would've been cool, like I said though I didn't check my PMs before I left so didn't know who I was looking for. We'll do it another time, for sure.

Backbacon I'd be happy to throw it onto the archive, I'm ecstatic to hear the show was taped in the first place. Let me know if you need me to do it for you, you can just throw em in the mail or something.

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  • 3 months later...
I got a good soundboard recording of the show. Maybe after I put it on CD someone can put it up on the archive. I forgot set two in London though so I'll have to get that back first.

Okay, so I retrieved the second set from TC in London and have it transferred to CD and am listening to it now and what a great show! Sounds fantastic. Good rev, are you still are able to upload it to the archive?


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