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one of the small pleasures in life....


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I am a city boy, (well if you can call it that--St.Catharines is around 130000) I grew up in an urban area, I spent most of my youth living in a town house, or chickencoop as my grandmother used to call them... I have lived in numerous places around the downtown area, until recently when I moved to Beamsville, which is a rural area. I am renting a small bungalo with a buddy for 1000, and it is on a vineyard, on what is called the "bench" a small incline... In the back is a varanda/sun room that over looks the backvineyard, really nice, but the front living room, has a large sized bay window that looks out across the local area, and you can see right across the lake to Toronto---but, the best part, and the small pleasure in life I am endearing these days is the ability to sit on my couch and look out the window and beyond the tree line, I can watch the sun disappear... Really fuggin nice I tell ya... anyhow, that's my rant for the day---adios

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Numerodos, you've got me drooling. Unless you get really lucky or happen to be on the more affluent side of things, Toronto bites for living space. We've been on the edge of our seats for a chance to move somewhere more county-ish for precisely the reasons you mention. I'm glad to know there are such views we can enjoy vicariously till then!

Still, all things considered, it is somewhat better than the place we used to share with Snail years back, where we'd be woken up at 5 in the morning every day by Vietnamese fish merchants in the alleyway outside our window, hurling invective at one another over parking places for their trucks ("Fuck you, Chahlie!" "Oh yeah, fuck you!"). Toronto does have its charms, too.

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I woke up bright & early today for a photo shoot (which I was anything but thrilled about). When I got to my client's house I was happy to discover that she wanted photos of her forest. I drank some tea and wandered around shooting flowers, bugs, the rising sun, etc. She's a really funky artisan and every once in a while I get a call to do night shots of her cabin or the morning dew on flowers. Sadly, I'm not much of a morning person...so I was surprised how well it all went.

The shoot was right down the road from my house too, so I was lucky enough to have time to feed my birds & squirrels, chase the wild turkeys around and even get a few pictures of the thousands of beautiful trilliums that are popping up in the woods. Nothing beats living in the country. It's exactly the kind of serenity I need after my super chaotic weekends. :P

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I spent a week at a resort on Cozumel a couple of years ago, on the West end of the island. Around dusk, people would gather on the beach and watch the sunset out over the ocean, and just as the sun dipped below the horizon, the beach would erupt in applause. It gave me a sense of majesty I don't often find in the rest of my life.



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What a treat of a place to live Numerodos. I spent my grade 4-6 years living in Beamsville. I went to Vineland Public School.

We lived in a great house on a vinyard and it had peach and cherry trees as well.

I absolutely loved living there. Enjoy the summer.

Oh yes, this summer will be for the most part relaxing, with a few bonfire parties as well, I am thinking of organizing something for mid august, try and get a band or two to play at the Jordan Hotel.... Anyhow, we happen to have cherry trees and peach trees in our front yard as well...

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