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So tonight in baby class...


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Did you have to hold an ice cube in your hand for a few minutes? You know, the same pain that a woman feels when giving birth (now that is fucked!)

is that it??? That's ALL the pain i will feel? Then hell, i'm in for an easy ride.... and here i thought it was going to be painful!

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Aw, Lazlo, I saw the words "baby" and "Lazlo" in the same space, I was expecting something more intense than that. Maybe I have to meet Instigator, but still.

LMP, I hope you're all lined up with what you need for the moment. I'm sure you have all sorts of people to draw on, but know too that Deb's been through the window a couple of times now and can be relied on for some good Wisdom. She's got some tried and true epithets to hurl out at your guy, if that's of any value ;).

Babies are wonderful. They're us, only really little. Sure, they can't work the flush thing on the toilet or make it to the fridge on their own, but I love 'em, even better than cats, and I really like cats. I can still look into the eyes of my girls and completely lose myself. I'm sure that never goes away.

As for the pain of childbirth... I'll let others comment on that. All I know is that we're pretty stretchy, but that stretchy?

C-towns, how long do you guys have to go?

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Thanks Dr Evil Mouse - it's so nice that EVERYONE wants to help out by giving me advice, but to be perfectly honest i'm so sick of hearing about it. I'm seriously ready to knock out the next person to tell me what to do. And since my hormones are at their peak right now, I would strongly suggest that NO ONE gives me any advice or personal horror stories... i'm a big woman now and i will hurt you.

But thanks to anyone looking out for me! I'll be fiiiiiiiiine! I'm ready for the experience... more specifically, MY experience.

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Sorry, LMP - hormones schmormones; you've doubtless had more than enough people presuming everything and then one other thing. I'm sure that's where the earlier comment about epithets comes from ;). Damn straight you should hurt anyone who accentuates the negative.

You are the centre of a bunch of worlds right now; please be rested and assured that all of them are there for you too. You're living through a wonderful time. More words on that would be pointless.

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