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This Is Insanity...


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.. so, yesterday i come home from work and go to the kitchen to throw some juice in the fridge, and somehow i stepped in a bit of a puddle on the carpet. the carpet? no ones been home all day. what the? i look around, no visible leaks anywhere, nothing. no more than 5 minutes later there's a knock at my door, and its the guy who owns the little used record store below my apartment and he says im leaking on him.. what the hell? check the fridge, seems good, freezer fine, nothin. no leaks from above, but somehow this fucking puddle on the carpet, right by the kitchen. another knock at the door. i go to get it and notice i stepped in another puddle.. in bare feet, last time i was in shoes, didnt feel it.. but this is bigger now, and it looks like its coming from the closet.. so the puddle on the carpet makes sense, it ran along the baseboard... open the closet, fucking waterheater. i knew it was there all along, but the thought of it shitting the bed never crossed my mind. so its leakin up good. i call the afterhours emergency response hotline for my building, and they send a plumber with no fucking tools. thats awesome. dude walks in the door and right away, i knew. they sent me a spitting image of an old roommate of mine, right down to the mannerisms, and i knew right away nothing was getting done. i laughed and laughed, until i had to pee. but this wasnt solving my problem. neither was he. basically, the valve on the thing was fucked, too, so we couldnt even drain it on our own, and since he didnt have a truck he couldnt take it anywhere... not that he had proper tools to remove it, anyways. so here it sits, draining on its own. and fucking up a lot of shit. i've put towels and shit around to try to slow it up at least, and i have a hose trying to drain as much of it as possible, but its been on for about 24 hours now, and its maybe got 3 inches in the bucket. the rest is in the floor. soaking through the carpet, and into the kitchen, and likely down below in that poor dudes store. oh, and did i mention the heat? +30's. and the fucking humidity. when i got home from work today, well, there was a bit of an odour. i just went downstairs to grab a beer and, well, there was a lot of an odour. like a dirty harbour carp, rotting away, belly inside out. i got the windows open wide, fans goin, im fucked. till monday apparently. oh, and i have to take freezing cold showers, too... which although it sounds nice, isnt really a nice shower, regardless.

i think im just gonna stay upstairs tonite... fuck.. im gonna need to go down for beer, though...

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You should have seen the black sludgy water that came pouring into our place repeatedly (over a couple of weeks) when some of the fixtures were being replaced in the apartment upstairs. No, sorry, you shouldn't have - it was pretty gross. The worst part is that we have no idea when it's going to happen next. Hopefully we'll be out of this place before it happens again... (not like I'm banking on it, though).

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it's the reak. it's unstoppable. im at work for the day, and i cant imagine what its gonna smell like when i get home, after it's been festering again all day in there... it's not so bad at night, when it cools down, you dont notice it as much with the windows open, but man, the humidity during the day really draws it out..

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guigsy, do you have insurance on your place? if so, they will send a clean up crew in with dehumidifiers that will dry up & (hopefully) get rid of the smell in no time. one of my co-workers went through the same movie with a leaking water softener, one phone call to the insurance guys and a pair of coverall-covered guys showed up & started making the leak and the reek go away...

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ya, it's all rented.. the property management people might own the tank, im not sure... none of my shit has gotten damaged, so im not real concerned about anything but the stench. the rest is pretty much their concern.. well, the wet kinda bugs me, but not so much if you step around it.. but hey, if they wanted to wait and let it soak in more, potentially causing more damage, well, i guess that's their prerogative.

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Man, I sit now in a room that used to be a pretty nice office in my half-finished basement. It's been weeks since I found the dampness, and as long since I've had carpeting, walls, anything but the furniture piled in the middle of the concrete floor.

But even that isn't sacred. Doozers arrive at 8:30 Monday morning with jackhammers to pillage my concrete floor.

Compounded things decay. Strive earnestly.

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