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I always have my hand down my pants when I call Booche.


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....and my underwear right now are Douglas's' date=' but as we discussed, strictly for comfort.......[/quote']

You mean it's not for support, to prevent all that bouncy bouncy bouncy action up top?



oh boy! I knew we'd get back to boy titties sooneror later

* Velvet Said:

Is it possible to put a thread on "ignore"?

If by "ignore" you mean "print off for future masturbatory use", then that's really up to you.

I expect the 3 B Bad Boy Battalion (Basher, BradM and Booche) would be flattered.

you really are gold today, girl!!!!

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....and my underwear right now are Douglas's, but as we discussed, strictly for comfort.......

I often wear female under garments but only on my head. I usually crawl under the stall and wrestle them off some old broads ankles. As far as wearing Douglas' panties goes, I don't know. I'd probably just chew on the elastic.

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The crucial & terrifying thing to remember is that the very first post in this thread is a 100% accurate depiction of an actual incident.

No names have been changed to protect anyone (there are no innocents here).

The description I gave is a blow-by-blow* account of what happened!

I'm askerred.


*Pun very much intended.

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can'o'phish -- I too, know of which you speak (or rather, allude to)

I myself let it slip on the "innocent's" birthday thread.

Psssst: think she's onto us? think the mystery ever got solved?

Heh heh heh...yup, hands down pants...mysteries to be solved...time to call out the CSI units and get to the bottom of all of this...I think the person in question knows more than they are letting on...seems to me Velvet also had a similiar situation on the same night in question...

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