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The Drinking Log


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i've been thinking about your trip all afternoon...basically very jealous....

but i must ask, how are you staying in the bush for two months?

i'd have to assume, once a week, you'll get mr birnie or someone to take you guys some supplies on the argo?

i mean, you can only bring in so many cans of food, or even dried foods...you need oil if your cooking fish...you need water...

you can only boil lake water for so long...

i'm genuinly intreigued how your doing this...man...i couldn't imagine how AMAZING it would be to spend two months in the bush...especially there...

but how are ya gonna survive?

Nope,Mr.Birnie will only be up for a couple days this weekend then not again until labour day.

1.Dried food.Alot,I mean alot.No cans.No glass.No booze.(way too much wieght to carry & trash to carry out).I own a great dehydrater and have rice,noodles,veggies,soups,fruits,meats etc etc & bulk food store is a great source for whatever else I need.

2.Bottle (plastic) of canola oil.(we dont use much each time).

3.Water filtration system (had it for years) comes highly recommend from the folks I did my survial training from back in 98,also boiling water is a great way to always have clean water,when sitting around the fire you fill up ALL the water bottles & canteens (we bring a bunch),once one is empty you boil again. Iodine tabs are poor & genuinely dont work well for most bacterias, chlorine treatments are good for back up.

Only a fool waits until he's thristy to boil water when spending along time in the bush.

I've done a month in the Yukon & I have done 45 days a few times since I was a teen.Its really easy to do once your situated,but you have to lug alot at the begining then create stores at different points so you dont have to carry everything all the time.

We'll come out to Skerns cabin during the august long weekend for showers & supplies if we need,but its doubtful.

Taking wilderness survial courses in the past has also been a huge aid.


Currently my food bag weighs in more then my back pack.

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The Katadyn Pocket Filter is a durable water filter with an aluminum shell. The ceramic element in the Katadyn Pocket Filter will treat up to 13,000 gallons. Compare that to most other water filters out there and you'll see why Katadyn is one of the most respected brands in the industry. This ceramic water filter offers 0.2 micron filtration and a flow rate of up to 1 liter per minute. At 20oz, the Katadyn Pocket Filter isn't the lightest filter in the world but it's still quite compact and its rugged aluminum shell means it'll go the long haul. This is why it's standard issue for international Red Cross field workers. The Katadyn Pocket Filter will remove all giardia, fungi, parasites, cholera, typhoid, cryptosporidia, salmonella and other harmful bacteria, parasites, and germs. This filter will last you a long time if you expect to be in places where supplies (i.e. replacement filters) are not readily available. INCLUDES: Pump, filter, input hose (40") with acorn pre-filter and float, output hose with spring clip to clip onto bottles, hydration pack adaptor, a Scotchbrite cleaning pad, a measuring gauge, silicone lubricant, fabric bag and plastic zip lock bag for output hose. Measures 10" x 2".

And for back up some of these chlorine mix treatments...


Pristine® is a new "state-of-the-art" water purification system. It is a quick and easy two step process to turn suspect water into purified drinking water in 15 minutes. Clean drinking water worldwide is now possible! Wherever poor quality water is suspected, Pristine® makes lake, stream, river or tap water safe for drinking.

Pristine® is a 2 part system. The Pristine® package is made up of two solution bottles. Part A is a 2% stabilized chlorine dioxide solution and Part B is a 5% food grade phosphoric acid solution. When Part A and Part B are mixed together, the result is a 5 parts per million solution of activated chlorine dioxide ( ClO2 ). ClO2 is widely used as a disinfectant and sanitizer by municipal water treatment facilities as a preferred alternative to chlorine. ClO2 kills viruses, bacteria, Giardia, and cryptosporidium.

Pristine® creates a chlorine dioxide solution - a proven, safe and effective water treatment that has been in use for over 50 years in hundreds of European and North American municipal water treatment plants. However, traditional manufacture of chlorine dioxide requires complex stationary production facilities. Pristine® uses a brand new technology to achieve the same results in a portable and extremely simple process. To activate, simply mix equal amounts from the bottles in the kit and add to your water supply. Within 15 minutes the activated chlorine dioxide effectively kills bacteria, viruses, protozoas and oxidizes many other harmful contaminants while enhancing the taste of your water.

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Have a great trip! Will clean the mind and the body for sure...

A couple of weeks ago this lady came into our shop to use our cryovac machine...she had bread, samiches, meat, cheese, etc etc, all dehydrated. Anyhow, she was easily over 70 and was going on a 2 month kayak trip up to Great Slave Lake here in AB. I was amazed at how tuned her mind and body were and the fact that she was going alone...gives us something to work for! Sweet old lady...

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