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BSS: New Album and Hot Legs


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I was doing some poking around trying to figure out what the track listing for Broken Social Scene's new album Windsurfing Nation is likely to be and came across some interesting tidbits. This MTV article pretty much confirms the tunes I expected but explains a bit more about how they produced an albums worth of material with You Forgot It In People's Dave Neufeld (the glue behind that album) omitting the catchiest songs then another album at Godspeed You Black Emperor and Do Make Say Think alum Ohad Benchetrit's studio that will come out in 2006. Here's the MTV article. Someone on the BSS board said they are working with 14 tracks at the present. Also the article mentions that the Weakerthans' Jason Tate and k-os guest on the album.

Songs slated for the album include the longtime live staples "Shoreline (7/4)," "Major Label Debut," "Superconnected" and the 10-minute epic "It's All Gonna Break," and newer tracks like "Fire Eyed Boy," "Close to Ireland," "Handjobs for the Holidays" and "Ibi Dreams of Pavement (A Better Day)."

Other songs I've read might make it on include Jimmy & The Photocall (which I suspect they played at Bluesfest),Tongue, Secretaries, New Country and Deathcock.

What I hadn't heard any wind of is that a couple of the scenesters got busted in Washington Square Park before their Central Park Summerstage gig opening for Dinosaur Jr. There's some speculation that Dave Neufeld was one of the arrested parties based on the age.

Two members of BSS were busted in Washington Square Park trying to buy pot, and at least one was charged with assaulting a police officer. They were still in jail when the band went on, and -- though all the main folk seemed to be there (there were 11 on stage... Who got busted, the triangle player?)

Kevin gets the quote of the day for saying from stage:

I don't know what's more pathetic: Two 42 year-old men trying to buy drugs in a park, or the way this country has suddenly made such a big deal about marijuana the past 15 yrs...
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Maybe I'm missing it, but when is the release date for the new BSS album? On a sidenote, I'm really digging their Beehives album, almost as much as You Forgot It In People...

BSS - Beehives






06.Da Da Dada

07.Ambulance For The Ambiance

08.Time = Cause

09.Lover's Spit

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Now I hear it's October 1st. Also incidentally Kevin Drew told me what must be two years ago that the the title of their next 'magnum opus' (his words) would be called All The Gods, which strikes me as a much better title than Windsurfing Nation. Although I like the rationale that the new title captures the 'gliding' feeling of a lot of the songs. You can really see where the Slip have been influenced by BSS and Do Make Say Think or that they are coming at similar ideas from their own perspective. Anyways All The Gods must be a Whiteman penned tune because it made it onto the Apostle of Hustle album and hence the title was out.

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Luke, do you have any inside info on Stars? Since their show last weekend I have absolutely fallen in love with that band... (And particularly Amy Millan) Any word on another tour? I see they're playing Hillside, (which I unfortunately can't make), and I'm kicking myself for not catching them the last time they were in Ottawa... Hopefully they will continue touring for the rest of the year... Any word on any BSS NYE gigs? With the lack of a nero NYE this year I'm looking to do something different...

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No haven't got any Stars dirt for you. I don't think any of the spin offs are planning that far out. Everyone's getting off mammoth tours and the recording process both of the two BSS albums and all of their own stuff must have had them going haywire. I read about one song with like 170 tracks on it and people don't even remember what they played and where. Sort of surprised you're digging Stars, they're no Trachtenberg Family.

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they're no Trachtenberg Family.

Hilarious. :)

I was surprised that Del took to the Stars as well - not in a "Del doesn't like anything, wink-wink, nudge-nudge" kinda way, but in a "this may be a little too on the sappy, electro-pop-y side of things for his tastes" kinda way.

Del is a constant source of surprise. Long live Del! [think carefully before hitting "Add Post", C-Towns]

BTW - 170 tracks?? Yoinks.

Also: nudge is a really funny word.

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a little too on the sappy, electro-pop-y side of things for his tastes

That's exactly how I meant it. From the sound of things ol' Del is growing taste buds. Next thing you know he'll be decrying the merits of Xiu Xiu.

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According to the Arts & Crafts website, BSS are indeed playing Hillside on the Sunday night.

I know this was posted as a rumour before, not sure if there had been any proof before now. My apologies if said proof had been offered. Proof is also a funny word. Proof.


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If I never heard Xavier Rudd again I would be happy.

Hopefully Buck's show happens - his last 4 scheduled dates in Ottawa have been cancellend for some reason or another.

Should be an awesome weekend. Zero, got a chest protector? :)


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Luke I'd be happy to take a blow in the solar plexus for you this time around.

Hillside is shaping up nicely, I'm glad a few of you have decided to get on board. The Schedule (music, workshops) has been posted: http://www.hillside.on.ca/uploads/Hillside_05_scheduleJuly14th.pdf


1. The 12-lane highway has been resurrected

2. Geoff Berner is going to be everywhere. Please do yourself a favour and check this guy out and find out why you're a lucky goddamned Jew

3. A workshop entitled Mind the Gap: Geoff Berner, Cuff the Duke and Ford Pier

4. Luke Doucet, Amy Milan, Reg Vermue (Gentleman Reg) on the spoken word stage...although I hate spoken word maybe this will help me come around to it. On second thought I also hate Gentleman Reg. Meh, at least there's shad there.

5. A non-music workshop in DIY Vegetable Oil Fuels.

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Man, I bought tickets for this a long time ago and forgot just how excellent that lineup is. Thanks for posting the schedule as well.

This is going to be a jam-packed killer fucking time, I am so pumped.


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Hey, is Geoff Berner from Vancouver and about 30 years old?

edit: wierd, I just checked his site, and indeed he's about 30 and from Vancouver, but not the guy I know (I think he spells his name Jeff Berhner). Strange coincidence.

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That's the most erotic porn I've ever seen!


That is pretty damn erotic, especially the girl on the left... ;)

I think I like Stars so much because of Amy's voice... I don't dig a lot of female voices, but her's is - how can I put it... Like nothing I've ever heard... To be honest I'm a little surprised I like them so much as well, but after seeing them at Bluesfest I was hooked... Since then I have acquired:

Stars - Heart

Stars - Nightsongs

Stars - Set Yourself On Fire

Stars - Dead Child Stars

BSS - Feel Good Lost

BSS - You Forgot It In People

BSS - Bee Hives

Apostle Of Hustle - Folkloric Feel

I'm on the lookout for Amy's solo album Honey From The Tombs...

As for me "developing tastebuds", I remember watching BSS at Bluesfest with Gateaux, and him saying to me "Man, you have really weird taste in music...". I guess that's true, although I prefer to think of it as "eclectic"... ;)

If Stars or BSS is playing a NYE gig within a 5 hour drive, I'll be there... (Short of a Phish reunion...)

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