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Sigur Ros Tour


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For those who appreciate artistry and expression in its truest sense, check out some live sigur ros this year.

not for those that thrive on guitar wankery or hokey songwriting. this is not your typical jamband, folks.



th颴re maisonneeuve, montreal (16.09.05) venue | tickets

bronson centre, ottawa (18.09.05) venue | tickets

massey hall, toronto (19.09.05) venue | tickets


the michigan theatre, ann arbor (20.09.05) venue | tickets

chicago theatre, chicago (21.09.05) venue | tickets

orpheum theatre, madison (23.09.05) venue | tickets

state theatre, minneapolis (24.09.05) venue | tickets


orpheum, vancouver (27.09.05) venue | tickets


paramount theatre, seattle (28.09.05) venue | tickets

roseland theatre, portland (29.09.05) venue | tickets

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I would understand why some people don't get them so much. You have to be able to turn your stereo up nice and loud and THEN press play on the CD.

these shows shouldn't be missed. They definitely flow. It's amazing they've been together for 12 years. they must have some interesting understandings about their bandmembers.

ideally...it'd be a montreal-ottawa weekend. the vancouver date drops on a tuesday.

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