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Whose got my heady Amsterdam advice?


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This is sounding AWESOME!

Liking the sounds of the Bulldog Hostle (although would still like that info Diggzz if its no trouble)

Gonna do the canal tour I think.

No tall ships TG. I am there and out 30th of july to the 1st of Aug.

I don't smoke tobacco so thats an awesome heads up thanks. When i hit my first joint here in Germany it was my first in 3 weeks so i took a great big pull and it had tobaccy in it. I turned green and got all dizzy (shitty poisonous shit). Harsh. I then bought some and made the fuckers smoke without tobacco in their joints for the night and had to carry 2 of them home. I've said it before and I'll say it again....Lightweight Germans, sheesh.

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Barney's a coffe shop/breakfast place. Just go!

It's called a 'Strippencardt' or something like that, but I guess I set myself up for the pun... so thanks Luke.

I stayed at the Stayokay in Vondelpark my first time there... Clean, hospitable and in Vondelpark which is gorgeous!!! it's north of Leidseplein by about half a km.

Schwa, go to BOOM CHICAGO... It's 20 euros but a laugh, I promise you that.

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I've been there on two occasions... The coffee shop I frequented was the Bluebird. They had some killer white widow and white rhino when I was there. The widow was my FAVOURITE of all the kinds I sampled... Really cool atmosphere, with a little upstairs area. Really cool artwork on the walls, etc as I remember... I found it to be really chill and relaxing. Some shops are REALLY touristy, and I didn't find this one to be so... Pre-rolled joints DO have tobacco in them, though SOME shops offer without. Better off rolling your own, anyhow, and don't forget about the hash!

Rijksmuseum is worth a look, although, I actually preferred the Van Gogh museum, myself. Heineken Brewery sounded like a good idea, but as I recall the hours did not fit my schedule? I think the tours all end relatively early, but I'd try to do it if I went back.

VondelPark (sp?) kind of like central park in NYC is pretty cool, though it can get pretty shady in the PM. My friend and I had a knife pulled on us on TWO different occasions there. As long as you're not REALLY wasted, and especially if you're with others, you should be OK...

We wandered into a bar called the wooden nickel, and they actually have a hotel (VERY reasonable) adjacent to it. We stayed there, but there were 3 of us to split the cost, and chose it because of the ability to LOCK the DOOR, which is sometimes a good thing... When I went back alone, I stayed there again...

So, yeah, Vondel Park, Van Gogh museup, Anne Frank's house was cool (MUCH bigger than I expected) Bluebird. That's my 'shouldn't miss list.' Red Light district is worth checking out. Go at night. It ain't THAT bad. I'd go talk to at least one of the chicks, too. You don't actually have to have sex with 'em, I just kind of asked what the deal was, b/c my buddy was a chickenshit... She turned out to be really nice, and didn't even get pissed when I said 'no thanks.'

Don't buy anything off the street... It's ALL either fake or a set-up. If you REALLY want to sample the 'hard drugs' as they are called there, your best bet is to befriend some locals and ease that into the conversation. They may or may not be willing/able to help you out, but that's the way I did it... English is spoken by I'd say 97% of people in the city. No problems getting around with that, but you could (as I did) try to brush up on some simple Dutch phrases, just to make the efort, and not look so touristy/ignorant.

[color:purple]Oh yeah, and don't forget to relax and have a little fun while you're there...

Hehehe... I'll try to think of some more places/things later. I'll dig out the map & photos...


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I wish I had of known about that "Boom Chicago" tour before I went, btw that place is supposed to be pretty good during the week...it is located at Leidseplein.

It's funny because when me and my buddy were ther whenever we bought weed and rolled up a j, there were peeps lookin at us kinda weird because we were rollin them with straight ganj, no tobacco. I also mailed back a hlf-quater of Morroccan CremeDeLuxe which was great to have waiting for me. Literally threw the baggie into a CD envelop and mailed it to my dog...

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Weirdness, we went into on of the Bulldogs and bought some stuff and we were sittin there rollin and Seabiscuit was on the TV's and everyone was just chillin watchin it. Whty Seabiscuit, we could not understand, there's got to be better stoner movies than that!!!!

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Thanks S From C. Wanna go? Meet you there in one week. I got my weeks mixed up and its actually next weekend that i'm going, not the following like i previously told TG.

...and i've never even had an Amstel Light so no worries there, when in Rome....drink Heineken.

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OK then... I just REALLY dislike Heineken myself, and Amstel still fits in with your 'When in Rome theory.' But I digress... Go to the Bluebird FOR SURE though, in case you missed that in my 1st post. It was my Favourite shop, chill and not real touristy (kind of off the beaten path a bit, as I recall)

I'd love to go... If I could only afford my car payment, let alone a euro-trip. }:( BUt you'll have a blast, I know...

By the way... How'dya like my avatar? :)

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I second Brad's recommendation of the Heineken brewery tour. If you're looking for a quick beer buzz, it can't be beat. And when I was there it was unbelievably cheap.

I can also attest to getting lost. We consumed some product from a smart shop and walked circles, completely lost, in the redlight district for two hours. When you see how small it is you will realize how impossible that was.

But my highest recommendation goes to the zoo. It's small so you can't help but feel bad for the animals but the views its size accomodates are incredible. It's right in the city and easy walking distance if you're even close to centrally located.

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No, actually, no Hookah for me since October's Halloween Show... :( Bummer, but I'm SO broke and whatnot, and I've had a lot of other stuff on my plate, so to speak... Anyhow, hoping to maybe catch one day of a Ledges fest later in the year, maybe. I've been downloading my bi-weekly fix though, so I've heard (though not seen) the new tunes performed...

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A "trip" to the zoo doesn't sound half-bad ollie.

I think there will be a LOT of stoned wandering on this trip. Haven't had pot here in Ger-boring-many for weeks and weeks.

Steve-o, i gots to make it down there one of these days. we canucks owe you guys at least one trip down there to match the surprise visit at the Back yard Diesel Dog show.

Stay tuned.

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Yeah, perhaps once the mudcocks get back into SoOn or something? I hear that's transpiring in the next few weeks... Unfortunately, there's those who can't come with, but I guess that just ensures another visit up there from me one of these days, too...

If you plan a visit here around some type of show, I'd pretty much HAVE to go with you, although, we didn't do so hot on the coordinating for the WP show, eh?


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well, i went, i saw, i want to go back.

3 days is not enough for that place. Everything goes so slow that before you know it an entire day has passed and you spent 3 hours trying to walk from Leidesplein to the Red Light district hitting every 2nd coffeeshop on the way.

White Widdow and White Rhino were my faves and made evening roaming a super treat. Screw the animal zoo though (no offense) but then entire city is just one big zoo.

don't even know what to write about really its all so ....... ?

I do know that i'm going back though, next time with companions. You feel much safer with a sidekick at night but all is fine for the entire night even in the RLD if you stay out of the skinnier alleys.

Thanks for the advice all, came in really handy but one piece of advice i would give over all others is RENT A BIKE.

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Honestly, for anyone that was in the 'enchanted forest' at Big Cypress it was about the same w/o the whores.....lots of fucked up people, none of which was actually from that place. Sketchbags and cool partiers, a few locals and lots of puke on the sidewalk.

Red Light Boogie!!!!

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