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Where has the time gone?


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Looking beside my avatar, I realise I'm now in for the 1000-post milestone - aie!! I seem to remember a bunch of snow on the ground when I first logged on.

This is the first, and, apart from school-related sites, only discussion board I've given real time to, and I just want to thank everyone on it for giving me such a breath of fresh human air in a world that can otherwise really suck an awful lot of the time. Mr. Tonin always said that this was a rich meeting place of very kind and thoughtful people, and you've proven that to me for these many months, every day that I log on. And so for that, I thank you.

I find myself wondering who it will be that first breaks 10,000....

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I'd rather be a beduin. :D They have thick soles on their feet.

you have the thickest soles of anyone i know. you're like a hobbit. a very tall hobbit :) way to make it to a thousand posts! and if you're in to prime numbers, 1013 is coming soon...

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I find myself wondering who it will be that first breaks 10,000....

only 1690 to go !

I was wondering about 1 MILLION!

Thanks for signing on and sharing your wit and wisdom. Also, thanks for being one friendly and talented ma' fucker !

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Ah Dr.Evil what amazing posts they have been. You've been such a wonderful addition to this board and my life. I am glad to know you ...


... and am looking forward to having you closer ...

I can't say ditto to this thought ;), but I'm wishing you and Deb nothing but the best with your move. I'm sure that you will find many people to play music with as you head to Eastern Ontario, and the thought of you playing guitar with Mike while Sharon sings puts a huge smile on my face and warmth in my heart. Although you will be further away, I know that we will still have opportunities to play together. It is always such a treat to play music with you ... you are an excellent guitar player, a very thoughtful, caring and intelligent man, and a very good friend. Ok, I'd better stop now before booche tells us to get a room! ;):)

"It's the same story the crow told me; it's the only one he knows.

Like the morning sun you come and like the wind you go.

Ain't no time to hate, barely time to wait,

Wo, oh, what I want to know, where does the time go?"

Peace, Mark

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