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He deliberatly hit another player in the face with his stick. Thankfully there was no damage but there is no excuse for it.

Yeah, yeah, and he got suspended. Life goes on. I think why people are really upset (as non-sens fans), are the divendends that having a psycho goalie, who can actually stop pucks, are going to have when it comes to drving the net against Ottawa, and how it will simplify the Sens defence, and help them to win more games.

They should start calling the Sens the Bank St. Bullies.

The only headlines your guys goalies get are all about why your goalies suck, or why they are actually playing well?! You're jelous.

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Yeah, yeah, and he got suspended. Life goes on. I think why people are really upset (as non-sens fans), are the divendends that having a psycho goalie, who can actually stop pucks, are going to have when it comes to drving the net against Ottawa, and how it will simplify the Sens defence, and help them to win more games.

They should start calling the Sens the Bank St. Bullies.

The only headlines your guys goalies get are all about why your goalies suck, or why they are actually playing well?! You're jelous.

jesus that is a lot of crap..

only reason i was pissed was because it was only a 2 minute penalty when it should have been 5 and a game and montreal would have had a better shot at winning..

emery doing this just means more guys are going to try to goad him into to taking dumb penalties.

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I welcome it. And Tissue Man, look at the thread about the Refs calling the game different. The Habs came out that game as the desperate team they are. They took liberties of the lax officating. Emery got tired of it, and did a reaction move... to a dipshit. Good for him, and if it rallies a rowdier, less rational Ottawa crowd... it's going to be good for the team.

The Refs would of called more, except they realized it was their lack of officating which lead to the situation in question.

Look at the NYR vs. the Sens, we had a 5-0 lead, and they came back to make it 5-4... with 30s left, Phillips shoots it out of the rink from 1ft. within his line. The refs don't call it after a conference... because... well their lack of officating is what lead the score to be 5-4, and they weren't going to highlight the game with a comeback. If the fuggers would just call the game, none of this BS would happen, and the Sens would probably be way up in the standings. So just be thankful that the BIG markets of Montreal and Toronto are being trown these bones to allow them to stay within the playoff picture, and save face.

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No visor = Emery pulls back methinks

Take a look at the video in real time. There's now way that he is sitting in that crease thinking "hmmmm ... well, he does have a visor so this shouldn't hurt much or do damage ... time to get my backswing ready, and whamo chop chop.

It was deliberate. Classic Billy Smith/Ron Hextall (fuck i hated those guys). Smith almost amputated Gretzky's foot that one year, swinging stick from one side of the net over to the other.

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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They took liberties of the lax officating. Emery got tired of it, and did a reaction move... to a dipshit. Good for him, and if it rallies a rowdier, less rational Ottawa crowd... it's going to be good for the team. The Refs would of called more, except they realized it was their lack of officating which lead to the situation in question.

What? Ok, so the refs may not have called a perfect game (there have been few and far between this season), but you're using that as a reasonable excuse, if not a valid reason, for Emery using his stick as a weapon to the face of another player??? That's INSANE. NO RESPECT for other players is what he's showing playing that way. Exactly what the game does NOT need and is supposed to be cleaned up by the tightening of stick infraction calls. A 2 min minor for that is a joke. The suspension further proves how much the refs blew the call at the time it happened.

If the fuggers would just call the game, none of this BS would happen, and the Sens would probably be way up in the standings. So just be thankful that the BIG markets of Montreal and Toronto are being trown these bones to allow them to stay within the playoff picture, and save face.

LOL ... NOW you really do sound as pathetic as you make the fans of other teams sound in your posts. The NHL, the refs, Montreal, Toronto, sunday shopping, etc. are all the reasons why the Sens aren't Stanley Cup champs right?

Time for your medication ...

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