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it was a joke..

anyway the ottawa faithful are some of the worst early leavers out there.

ive been there for a 1-0 game, dallas leading with 10 minutes left and people filing out left right and center.

and ive been to enough games to know it wasnt just a one night thing.

It happens in every arena. It's not exclusive to Ottawa. And the last things these losers are is faithful.

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listening to the radio feed of this? Fucking funny stuff. A long series of disses against Atlanta.

"they forgot to start the clock, so the 2,000 people in attendance will have to wait"

"look at that guy over there. he's got his calendar wrong and wore a Canadiens jersey"

"this is college football country here, so it's hard to fill the arena"

"you'll hear the PA announcers announcing icing and offside here tonight because even after 8 years people in Atlanta don't understand all the rules so they announce over the PA why they stopped the play"

"they like it when the referee hurts himself"

jesus, the Thrashers hate is palpable!

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Dean Brown just sounded like the oldest man in the world commenting on a Widespread Panic banner hanging in the arena celebrating 15 consecutive sold out shows.

"I don't even know who Widespread Panic is. Probably that hip hop."

They must drink before Atlanta games.

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