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The Refs hate us... I just want to know what we did/are doing to deserve it... and wish we would stop it.

Lots of banging and crashing last game... if we ever learn how to control the puck after those big hits we should be fine.

This game is huge for the Sens... I hope to see a better game tonight than last Saturday...

I'm still keeping the fire.


Refs hate us?

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[color:purple]I LOVE THE REFEREE'S :)

Game sounded super exciting... Giggy playing great, Gerber playing great... but the refs are playing a game of their own... clearly.

I'm going to shut up now... I'm convinced all this horseshit reffing is going to swing the other way for the playoffs. CONVINCED!!!

Ref's again!

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It's a trap!!!

Time for the Sens to wake up... Emery played pretty well... stopping 34 shots... still looked bad on a couple, can't do much though when you only score one.

Fuggin refs have given out 40 more penalties to the Sens than their opponents... The sens just can't figure out the new reffing... gotta love Anaheim not giving a shit about taking penalties though. 340 times shorthanded and counting...

And what's with the icing rule? Clearly they've changed it to speed up the pace of the game... seems like they side with attempted/missed pass more often than not now... I can't figure out half the time if it is or isn't an icing. Another facet of the game that the Sens are losing hands down.

Ah well, one way or the other, the Sens are still an interesting team... I have to cross my fingers though... alot has to change in a hurry before there will be any talk of playoff success.

Refs... AGAIN!!!

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Sens fans have turned in to Leafs fans. Crying about the ref's and not acknowledging their team is a mess.

Well now you're just making shit up. Who's crying about the refs?

I know this team is a mess. Still doesn't mean I don't support them' date=' want them to win, look at ways they can win and hope they prove all the naysayers wrong. The fact that we're supposed to roll over as fans is offensive and ridiculous.

You ARE acting like asshole Leaf fans. Fuck, I'd rather read a Kanada Kev post at this point.


I don't make up shit...

I just quote it!

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Habs fans are fucking assholes. Seem to be taking a page out of the Leaf playbook. You'll get what you deserve: Nothing.

I would just like to point out that this is where this sequence of events started. SS directly calling Habs fans assholes.

My quotes were taken directly from him.

Call me what you will SS but let me ask you this...

Would you like some cheese with that whine?


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That's some pretty weaksauce, how old are those quotes?

You guys realize that it's Friday night and there's playoff hockey on, right? What are you doing digging through old posts for incriminating evidence???

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I'm not denying I'm upset... It just really sucks to have it rubbed in so much. It's very much like the experience with the leafs... I would have expected more out of classy habs fans with self-confidence, until I was proven so very wrong over the last couple of weeks. You'll get what you deserve... just watch the refs if it ever comes down to having riots in Montreal again... your fans will forever be satisfied with the past anyways.

Like I said before, enjoy us twisting in the wind... we'll be back, and I won't have to write anything about your shitty team, and drunk ass fans for you to know how satisfying it'll be when your team is finally eliminated this spring.

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I don't consider it weak. I was told I was making shit up and had to prove I wasn't.

Currently I am at home with some buddies watching the games and having some drinks.

We will soon be heading out to get loaded and pick up some unsuspecting women.

All in a good days work.

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I'm not denying I'm upset... It just really sucks to have it rubbed in so much. It's very much like the experience with the leafs... I would have expected more out of classy habs fans with self-confidence, until I was proven so very wrong over the last couple of weeks. You'll get what you deserve... just watch the refs if it ever comes down to having riots in Montreal again... your fans will forever be satisfied with the past anyways.

Like I said before, enjoy us twisting in the wind... we'll be back, and I won't have to write anything about your shitty team, and drunk ass fans for you to know how satisfying it'll be when your team is finally eliminated this spring.

Fans are the same ALL over. It's part of the fun. I can take it and I can give it. The best part is I enjoy it. Watching, playing and arguing about the game.

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Holy shit balls... maybe all of this negativity and anger is finally starting to contribute something to the mood of the team. I hope they can carry some of this momentum over for the third... but they still haven't done a thing until they put a W or two up on the board.

As far as this discourse is concerned... it's the playoffs... you do anything to win... and you'll settle for the other guy losing.

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