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jesus, this issue should have died right after it happened.. he got hit, he got knocked the fuck out. downie got a match and will get games.

i hate this over reaction media and fan bullshit we have to put up with everytime a player gets hurt. it happens..

he throws the same hit last year at christmas against a russian and everybody would be creaming over him.

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TissueMan, the issue is that the league is doing next to nothing. If you think that is a normal hit I would have loooooooved to have heard you go off if Koivu was on the receiving end.

it happened to koivu last year.. armstrong.. i didnt go off. though of course koivu skated off so it was not a big deal.

next to nothing?? well he already got a match and is guaranteed to get suspended.. i dont think that is next to nothing.

it wasnt a normal hit, he charged, he jumped.. happens all the time. just about every game really. what doesnt happen all the time is the result.

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Come on. Comparing the Colby Armstrong hit to that one is not the same. The speed, leaving his feet and the elbow not too mention the fact that he totally wanted to take him out as hard as he could.

When it comes to these sorts of 'lack of respect head shots' the league is doing next to nothing with the lame-ass suspensions they hand down. This is why the general hockey viewing public is starting to get fired up. They want something done to at least show they are trying to rid the game of these dangerous hits.

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Come on. Comparing the Colby Armstrong hit to that one is not the same. The speed, leaving his feet and the elbow not too mention the fact that he totally wanted to take him out as hard as he could.

When it comes to these sorts of 'lack of respect head shots' the league is doing next to nothing with the lame-ass suspensions they hand down. This is why the general hockey viewing public is starting to get fired up. They want something done to at least show they are trying to rid the game of these dangerous hits.

you dont think colby wasnt doing the same? didnt he pop a sen last year with the same kind of hit and kocked him silly?

and id believe the bit about fans getting fed up if they had the same outrage when neil popped drury last year.. different kind of hit same kind of dirty.

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suspended indefinately until hearing isnt he??

When there is a match penalty and a hearing is called, every player is suspended indefinitely. Its usually just a few days and as is the case involved the hearing goes today.

And no, I dont think Colby was doing the same thing simply because of all the other factors I presented.

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Ok, so you hate what the media has to say and what fans have to say. What about current NHL'ers?

What about Bobby Orr?

thats all pretty much spot on. nothing wrong with the fact hes gonna get suspended. never said he shouldnt be. he got assessed the maximum penalty he could and the leauge will deal with him. its not like he pulled a bertuzzi which is how i feel the media build everything up that happens these days. which is why im :mad: :mad: .

and current nhlers.. jason blake made me want to puke when he said he should never play in the nhl again. he fucking stood behind chris simon last year when he did something worse.. fucking hypocrite. trying to get a kid ruined before he even starts.

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McAmmond accepts Downie's apology

McAmmond accepts Downie's apology

Allen Panzeri

CanWest News Service

Friday, September 28, 2007

OTTAWA - When Steve Downie called to apologize, Ottawa Senators forward Dean McAmmond did the charitable thing.

Not many people would have excused Downie for skating across the ice and leaving his feet to hammer McAmmond during Tuesday's NHL pre-season game against the Philadelphia Flyers. Certainly McAmmond's teammates weren't in a forgiving mood Thursday.

But even with Downie's history of odious behaviour as a backdrop, McAmmond, 34, said he accepted Downie's apology at face value.

"Yeah, I'm going to choose to believe that he was sincere about it," McAmmond said. "I would hope that he is. I would think that, in hindsight, he's probably looking at it and wishing he didn't hit me that flagrantly, or with that much excess."

McAmmond said he wasn't concerned he might have a lingering problem.

"Not really," he said. "You know, everyone is saying that, that I have concussion problems and whatnot.

"I don't feel like I have concussion problems at all. I've got a problem with people giving me traumatic blows to the head. That's what I've got a problem with."

McAmmond said, all things considered, he felt pretty good.

He had some stiffness in his right shoulder and neck, but he wasn't having any headaches. He couldn't say exactly when he'd be back, but he didn't think he would be out too long.

Though this is the third concussion he has suffered in his career, and his second in four months after getting elbowed in the head by Chris Pronger during the Stanley Cup final, McAmmond said he has never had any lasting or recurring symptoms.

He nonetheless doesn't have a memory of Tuesday's hit. He remembers sitting down at the start of the second period and then lying on his back in the medical room.

While it's not a lot of fun to get knocked out, something positive can come from the hit, he said. During training camp, NHL teams have been shown a league-produced video about dangerous hits, in particular hits to the head. The league plans to target them this year.

McAmmond said Downie's hit on him is the perfect object lesson.

"The timing of this whole hit couldn't be better," he said. "We've made steps with video, showing excessive head blows.

"Here's a situation where a player pretty much checks off all the criteria as to what we don't want to happen.

"Now it has happened and I think it's up to the league to make sure that ... maybe they send a message that will make guys think about hits like that."

He said he hasn't received any pressure from his family to get out of hockey while he still has his health, but says there were a few anxious moments when he was lying on the ice.

"After watching the video, I was lifeless there," he said.

"I'm pretty thankful nothing more serious happened, because there were bodies on top of me, there were skate blades behind my head.

"I was pretty grateful, in fact, that I'm pretty much normal here right now."

McAmmond's absence will at least temporarily open a spot in the lineup, said coach John Paddock. But if McAmmond is only going to be out a short time, as it appears he will be, then the Senators might carry only 20 players, because McAmmond's contract still counts against the salary cap. Only after a player misses 30 games does a team get relief.

Downie can consider himself lucky he hadn't targeted Brian McGrattan, who said after Tuesday's game that Downie would eventually get what's coming to him. McGrattan was in an unforgiving mood Thursday. He was unapologetic for his post-game comments.

"I don't beat around the bush," McGrattan said. "I'm not the guy that whips out cliche after cliche. You're going to get a straight answer out of me.

"At least I'm telling him I'm going to do it. I'm not going to blindside him or hit him from behind. That kid can get away with that stuff in junior, but he won't get away with it in this league, not for long."

Ottawa Citizen

© CanWest News Service 2007

Good to hear that McAmmond seems to be OK and will be back soon.

That part in bold hasn't been addressed much. I understand wanting to defend a teammate who's been clobbered ... However, why the FUCK did they do it when he's unconscious on the ice? Really fucking smart ... his own teammates could have indirectly done more damage!

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Ahhh' date=' we've been counting the days waiting for TissueMan to come out of the woodwork and call us all idiots. What took you so long, buddy?[/quote']

where did i do this?? quote me where i called you all idiots..


daveo, daveo, daveo.....

waiting for my response..

and if its not here when i get back from a beer lunch ill be



seriously i do not think you all are idiots, just said i was sick of hearing the bullshit that comes with every little thing that happnes these days.

if you actually read my post where i supposedly called you idiots you would see i agreee there should be a susupension..

damn edit button can eat your posts.

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Bobby makes valid points. However, I still don't see how you can outlaw ALL contact to the head, incidental or not. Do you REALLY think that they'd suspend a Crosby if he accidentally bumped another players head? Gimme a break.

"There's no argument in my mind," Orr said. "When you hit a player in the head or the chin with your elbow pad, your shoulder pad or a straight arm, (it's wrong). It has got to be stopped.

Yup, and Bobby, when you were in the league they WERE pads. Go to your local sports store now and see, the only padding is on the inside of the armour that the players wear. I don't want to give Cherry too much credit, but he's been chirping about this for years and dammit he's right, IMHO!

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