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Im going home Donny

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Midnight Voltures

...now on list...the dude has a tonne of stuff eh?

On another note...at my buds today he played Rare Grooves-reggae (3?)by nova and I'm getting it shortly. I can't remember the name of the song but a Marsha Griffiths sings a Gordon Lightfoot song that her voice alone would make men pick up and...really stunningly beautifull.

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Try to get your hands on this minor folk/blues masterpiece:


One Foot In The Grave

I think thasts on my list from Kevos recs....and Phorbsie....tell me what they are??????? My second cd after sea change was Guero...f*cking LOVE IT!...is that his latest...and reccomend names away please!

I'm now onto Mutations...smilin ear to ear thus far....hahaha...had to pull Mellow Gold off at the last track-BlaCKHOLE....my dogs ears were bleeding but I liked it. :)

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i'd go see Beck, but have yet to actually do it.

i've posted this non-Beck related site before... ninja tune solid steel radio

this week includes a track by Beck, and whats more!? a set by Bonobo.

clicking the link will open a webpage which launches windows media player, just so ya know.

check it out. its not Beck.

oh hey I saw Bonobo in Montreal opening for Herbaliser...it was a pretty suprizingly sweet treat(low expectations prior). Thanks fer the link. :)

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OH MARIA!...okay appliantologist or not...beautifull...okay Jakis thus far in order of what I own...by preference...seachange, Guero, Odelay, Mutations, Mellow Gold. It could all rearrange itself...I've heard the last 3 only once so far. :)

yup this is my friday night. :) haha okay I better invite some people over in the flesh...hahas..

Douglas...drunk postin challAnje? ;) (kidding Douglas can kick my ass fer real :) )

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woops...sorry, i misunderstood you...i thought those albums you got today were your first exposure to him. but you already have the ones i mentioned, sea change and guero.

i am digging guero so much these days!

i was planning on staying in tonight too and getting all this work done that i never did last week...but ended up going out drinking anyways instead...hehehe woops.

at least i got in early enough that i will be able to work tomorrow ;)

were you debating going to see him live? is he coming around soon?

i saw him in 97 and became a fan, he was awesome. but haven't seen him since 00 when he opened for neil and i didn't love his set, it was a bit boring. but i'd love to see him again, anytime...!!

time fo sleep


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I like the new Saturday Night Live better than any other era. Tina Fey really makes it tick as head writer, the two chick weekend update is pretty good too. I cannot get enough of Fred Armisen - he should be in every freaking skit - the Prince show is a classic to begin with. His bit on the Wilco DVD (the extras particularly) 'I Am Trying To Break Your Heart' is priceless and he really seems to cheer up a disconsolate Jeff Tweedy.

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I usually agree with you Zero when I know what you're talking about, but this incarnation of Saturday Night Live isn't funny - nor has the show been consistantly funny since the Martin Short/Billy Crystal led one-off. I especially have issues with Fey and her " All Girl's Club " newscast. I hated camera-suck Fallon, but I'll take him over that blonde woman any day.

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Oh we just have to agree to disagree then. Pohler's a hotty and I'd take scarface Fey anyday. Again though how anyone couldn't find Fred fucking Armisen hilarious is beyond me. He has a bunch of great characters and is a truly unique talent. Don't trust me trust Tweedy.


I'm Just Keeeeeeeding!

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I just saw beck back home and see that he's on his way to Toronto but by then I'll be back in my home town. For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to catch this wonder dropping some bones on a ticket will not be a risk.

Nice board you have here!

Agreed on both acounts.


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When is Beck coming to Toronto?

BTW, jamnut, were you at Panic in Cleveland?

Beck is opening for the Rolling Stones at the Rogers Centre on Monday September 26, 2005.

It will be my sixth time seeing Beck live and I have always walked away surprised how much I enjoy his gigs!


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I like the new Saturday Night Live better than any other era. Tina Fey really makes it tick as head writer, the two chick weekend update is pretty good too. I cannot get enough of Fred Armisen - he should be in every freaking skit - the Prince show is a classic to begin with. His bit on the Wilco DVD (the extras particularly) 'I Am Trying To Break Your Heart' is priceless and he really seems to cheer up a disconsolate Jeff Tweedy.

When I saw Wilco, the Flaming Lips and Sleater Kinney for New Years Eve at Madison Square Gardens Fred Armisen came out to introduce each act, one time he came out dressed as Prince with the guitar and everything! I nearly pissed myself laughing.


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Looks as though the question has been answered about beck opening for the stones.

StoneMtn, such a polite Canadian boy you are for respecfully disagreeing with me. We all have our own live experiences at shows. Sorry to hear your experiences weren't as pleasureable as mine. Possibly in the future for you.

Basher, no I wasn't at Panic in Cleveland. I'm only in this arear (NOTL) for just over a month and had just arrived end of July.

Love reading the posts on this board. Colorful group of Canadians you are!

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