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Jay Cleary; I'm Sorry


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It turns out that picture of you and John Scofield is terrible. I don't know why Leanne and I had such positive memories of it's quality; perhaps it was because we were there to actually witness it.

If anyone is a genius at Photoshop and think they may be able to fix this picture up for Jay (who I know would really appreciate it), please PM me and I'll put the original into your hands.

I'm really sorry Jay. In any event, here it is:


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hey willy, its real easy, man.. all you wanna do is use your levels adjustment to brighten up the mid-tones, and then adjust the dark and light accordingly... you'll be able to see it happen, and just stop when it looks pleasing... then flatten it, and use the unsharp mask tool to sharpen it up a bit... it'll take ya all of 5 minutes to do it.

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That one's wicked Bouche! And remember, the camera always focuses on what's in the centre. You have to put your subject in the centre of the frame, focus by pushing your shutter button 1/2 way down, hold it down, reframe your composition and fire away.

Does that make sense? I have one mofo of a hangover. Blast that Gypsy Co-op!!! ;) Good to see you last night Jay!

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I know what you mean. However, I learned that a couple of months after that photo.

Come to think of it, I may have actually been trying to take a photo of briguy with Sco as I missed him talking to him, so I just told him to stand near him. I didn't realize at the time that my fast lense had such a narrow depth of field at stop 1.4

Those were 2 concepts that I was unaware of at the time and that was a very new lens to me. I got it 2 weeks earlier.

I was probably a little drunk at the time too, so both scenarios are possible ;)

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! And remember, the camera always focuses on what's in the centre.

that's not true, actually. you can focus off centre with your camera, bouche.

edit: and for that matter, you can too, with your camera, kaidy.. in case you've been doin the re-composing trick all along.. not necessary.

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The more I look at it, the "smooth blur of Sco with Cleary" looks great with the "crisp unintruding yet intersested Briguy". It also looks like he's checking Jay out a little ;)

I should also begin to write descriptions of photos. It's almost like describing the flavour of a delicate so soothing and electrically charged Creme Brulée.

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! And remember' date=' the camera always focuses on what's in the centre. [/quote']

that's not true, actually. you can focus off centre with your camera, bouche.

edit: and for that matter, you can too, with your camera, kaidy.. in case you've been doin the re-composing trick all along.. not necessary.

No, I've got mine figured out Guigs. For most cameras though (esp. P&S), the above advice helps a lot of folks out. My head was way too mashed on Saturday to get into anything more elaborate. *blush*

The digi still doesn't focus as sweetly as my A2E does though. I've got that thing trained! :)

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For most cameras though (esp. P&S), the above advice helps a lot of folks out.

again, i dont agree with that, but whatever, it doesnt really matter. i say potato, you say pototo... but, i cant even think of any p&s cameras that have that feature... nor does bouche have a p&s camera. :crazy:

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the latest nikon update changed many things in my camera. One of them had to do with the sensor and focusing grid which is supposed to make it more intelligent.

The camera provides visual feedback on what zone it's targetting to focus on using the grid in the eyepiece. The little recticle will go 'bolded' when it's decided where it's focusing. I think that's how it works.

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