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Kanata Poofters suck....

So they won, enjoy it. The poofters will choke as always when it counts.

alfagsson needs a stick in eye....


Ohhhhh....SNAP. I feel like I just got served. Nothing like a lesson in choking from a guy whose team hasn't won a Stanley Cup in the past THIRTY EIGHT YEARS.

(And please, none of that "Ottawa hasn't won since 1917" crap. Tough to win 'em when you're not in the league).

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nobody co-opted the word... it's been offensive since the 1300s when heretics were burned alive on a structure built with faggots (bundles of sticks). The term came from there... Also the persecuted had to walk around with a design of the faggot on their clothing to identify them.

Nobody co-opted the term, it's just plain offensive.


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Then why don't the many homosexuals I know pesonally, who throw the word around at each other like it was confetti at a wedding, get offended? They don't seem to be. Maybe because they're comfortable enough with themselves to not let words hurt them. Maybe they don't care what others call them. Maybe its just a word used by the ignorant and bigoted to stigmatize those who really could care less about the beliefs or opinions of those who dislike them. I don't call homosexuals fags, I call them Chris and Mike. But I can use the word in whatever offensive way I want to whomever I want. And if ever someone deserved to be insulted, its AlFREDson.

I am kind. And I don't legislate morals for other people. Words are as empty and meaningless as I want. Actions speak volumes. If I want to insult or piss someone off, I can be offensive and successful in the same sentence. My feelings towards Kanata Poofters fall well into that category.

I don't think the word fag is offensive, but you do and thats fine. I apologize to all those I've offended. I hope the world with bad offensive words isn't too scary for you.

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Words are as empty and meaningless as I want. Actions speak volumes.

If you don't think that using a derrogative term for a homosexual as an insult speaks volumes about you, you're sorely mistaken.

I understand that you may be more comfortable with the use of this word because you have gay friends. My best friend is gay and between each other we use the word quite a bit. HOWEVER, that is because he is comfortable with me and understands that it is teasing. If he were ever offended by it, we are close enough that he would have no problem telling me. You can't refer to someone as a "fag" online and expect people to understand that you are joking. What if someone came on here using the "N" word? Not cool.

Okay, back to hockey talk! :P

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Quotes are still fucked up

Maybe its just a word used by the ignorant and bigoted to stigmatize those who really could care less about the beliefs or opinions of those who dislike them.

Hey, you used the word, not me.

I don't call homosexuals fags, I call them Chris and Mike.

Must get confusing for those named Jennifer or Dave...

And if ever someone deserved to be insulted, its AlFREDson.

You make no sense at all. If his name was Chris or Mike or was throwing confetti at a wedding you might be near the realm of relativity.

Words are as empty and meaningless as I want.

For something that's meaningless and empty, you're very verbose on the subject. How Zen of you.

I hope the world with bad offensive words isn't too scary for you.

Thanks Nazi!


ps. My gay ex-roomate gets furiously mad at the word fag, as do all his friends. You can call him anything else in the book. But 'fag' reminds him of the fate of people just like him who were burned alive for being who they are. It doesn't matter at all if the word is inoffensive to you at the moment. But if it was directed at you for a reason with meaning and history behind it, you might think otherwise.

Edited by Guest
quotes still don't work
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