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whoa, whoa, WHOA....


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so i've had the new broken social scene disc since it came out... just now i realized there's also an EP included in the package, tucked underneath in the middle. fuckin sweet! just popped 'er on now... into song 2...

for the record, im lovin the new BSS. FIRE EYED BOY GIVE 'EM ALL THE SLIP!! ;)

2nd track is probably my favourite, though.

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i heard the disc when i was back home chillin' at my buddy's old farmhouse and I need to go out and get this one.

I think this is the one that could go down as an all time favourite. I'm still addicted to 'you forgot it in people' but it still sounds like it's in the preproduction stage.

s/t does not and it's definitely a more matured band this time through. amazing.

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