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"post rock" fans?


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Just wanted to quote what Djed said earlier in the thread, it's been guiding the discussion a little bit.

The term post-rock was coined by Simon Reynolds in issue 123 of The Wire (May 1994) to describe a sort of music "using rock instrumentation for non-rock purposes, using guitars as facilitators of timbres and textures rather than riffs and power chords."

There have been plenty of discussions about labels blah blah blah... Are here's a definition that I'd think is acceptable for this 'genre' even if it only serves the purpose of framing the discussion.


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actually, I confess I personally have nothing wrong with the label fusion. I was quoting Pat Metheny when refering to Jaco Pastorius, saying

"..and how odd it is to see this era of historical revisionism in jazz how this accomplishment is often relegated by people who should know better as being "not jazz" or as "fusion" (possibly the single most ignorant and damaging term ever invented to describe (discount) an important and vital branch of the jazz music tree). jaco at his best, as on this record, defines what the word jazz really means."

so anyway, I have no quams with fusion. Just thought I'd throw that out there and see who I pissed off. just kidding...hehe.

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maybe rather than post-rock it should be called "music that doesn't really sound like rock music, but if you see the band they kinda look like they're a rock band"?

Nothing wrong with "post" IMO. Time passes, genres evolve, Westerners have an inherent need to categorize and rationalize, so we label.

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what would "post-metal" sound like? hmmmm maybe I could corner the market on that one....

Usually refers to more avantgarde metal acts such as Ulver and In The Woods... but also is used to describe more esoteric stuff from the 90s like disEMBOWELMENT, who has a new 2 CD reissue on Relapse that came out this summer that is quite amazing and very ahead of its time.

SUNN(0))) is also known as post-metal, as is Isis and some (later) Neurosis.

I don't figure too many people on here have any idea about the modern metal scene though.

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