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Canadian Legal Will Kits


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My mom asked me about these legal will kits (skipping a lawyer doing the job)....

does anyone have experience using these kits as a method for your will?

i told her they were completely legal, but would probably require a lawyer to finalize it....

anyone have any opinions or advise to writing your own will?

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I saw a bit on CBC (it might have been Marketplace, but I can't find a reference to the episode) about them, and they generally frowned upon. If you have a really simple estate, they might be OK, but if there's anything beyond "basic", they fall down. For example, if there are children involved, which might require guardians to be designated, the kits don't handle it.

My advice is go to a lawyer. I don't think the money they save is worth the possible major-league hassles that'll come from using them.



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I think your advice is spot on.

My parents dont have children young enough to worry about guardianship...

on another board where i posted the question, the opinion seemed much of the same....if you have a basic estate, which we do, the kit is fine, but if you have a lot of money (which we dont) or young children (which my parents dont), to definately get a lawyer...

i'm leaving it up to my parents, but i have a feeling the kit is going to be the way they go.

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Actually, have your parents do some comparison shopping. If they don't already have a lawyer (which I'm guessing they don't), have them get some recommendations from friends/relatives, and call up the recommended lawyers and see how much it costs to do a will. (And if they can get a recommendation from someone who's needed a relative's will, so much the better.)

(One thing they also need to take into account is what to do if both of them happen to die at the same time; having his will say she gets everything, and his say she gets everything, if fine, provided they each die separately. They might want to look into a "living will" as well.)



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Wills aren't expensive with lawyers. Under a grand if you're not talking about serious tax planning etc. etc. I reckon.

But I *thnik* although I'm entirely unsure (read: I am absolutely not giving any sort of legal advice, because I don't practice estate law and don't have a will and never took it in school and don't have a clue) you can do a hand written and witnessed will in your own hand writing. It all has to be hand written to be valid though - no typed words. And you have to cover all the bases ie. power of attorney, executrix etc. etc.

A lawyer is the way to go. It really is cheap. I bet you could find someone to do it for $500 if you look.

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"Wills aren't expensive with lawyers. Under a grand if you're not talking about serious tax planning etc. etc. I reckon."

well....maybe in comparison of what lawyers cost to do other things but....under a grand for something that can be done for free is still very expensive for some people....

600 is what we were quoted.

my parents dont have that kind of extra money right now, and was looking for a more affordable route.

but i have passed all the info i've received from this board and the other board i posted the q'n on, and am letting them make their decision....

and yes, you can do your own will in hand writing....dads lawyer told him that is totally possible and legal...

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I've now gotten to thinking this might be just the excuse I need to head out west to visit StoneMtn... ;) (when in point of fact the only real excuse is being stone broke).

Great question, though. Going throught the thought processes of writing up a will, though, is a hell of an exercise, and makes for an awfully interesting accounting of the people and stuff you're responsible for.

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