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Another Basher, in Another Sanctuary....


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basher. what a cutie :blush:


Basher was left neglected and ill in a field. Luckily he was found by a very kind lady who reported my condition to the farmer who asked him to call a vet.

On the following day when it became obvious to my benefactor that I had been unable to move and was still in the same position this very nice person bought me and gave me the care I deserved.

I spent my days sharing a garden with her dog called Humphrey and we became great pals.

However, as I got much larger it became clear that the garden was not suitable.

I was also very naughty and insisted upon pruning her husband's plants. Luckily my owner had become aware of FAR through an article in the local paper which is where I find myself now retaining my name of Basher because of the "bashing" I gave to my former owners flower.

Edited by Guest
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