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im actually glad to hear that del is gonna try and stop the "whites" they are no good for anyone of you.

still gonna miss him, guess ill just have to go to more shows to get my del-fix

gator, if you do quit, gonna miss you too brah

glad to hear you got your sneaks back safe n sound

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gator says> but i too resign from this board.

I'll miss Del but gator you're a total fuckhead and this board will be a better place without the likes of you! hope you burn in hell cocksucker!

p.s. no purple fonts here folks!

Back off Swifty! You have no clue how serious this situation is right now. Gator is just doing his best to help Del through the dark times. Keep running your moulth like this and I'll ask Jen to shorten your leash.


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and here's the million dollar question:

just where do you get the sh!t needed to fertilize your first crop of butts so they continue to produce sh!t to fertilize subsequent crops?

Have you read the board lately? I harvest the schit from this message board like any old farmer. Farming butts on this message board is just like in real life and we all do it. Sometimes there is a drought and the crops suffer, the farmers just sit in their house making sensless chitchat and being bored out of their minds, BUT, all of a sudden there is a shitstorm and then all of the butts start coming out of the woodwork.

If i quit again, I'm coming back as Mr. Metaphore.

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