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North Miss. Allstars - Nov 9 - Toronto - Review on JamBase


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I agree but I didn't think it was that boring. Thats what they sound like....there seems to be way more space in their sound with the departure of Dwayne. The first few songs didn't seem very inspired (nor the whole performance) but on the whole, my friends and I always have a good time at their shows, and that one was no exception. Anyway, good review.

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Wow. I don't agree at all.

That was the third time I've seen these guys, and I loved it. It was exactly what I expected, although I wasn't really familiar with their new music.

The only part I agree with Shainhouse about, is the washboard solo. It was incredible! The last good washboard solo I ever saw was by a Louisiana band called the Bluerunners, who always use the instrument; but not like NMAS! That solo was mind-blowing. I find it common for Zydecho bands to use that instrument, but not through all those pedals and with the effects that the NMAS had!

Anyway, I loved the show. As well, one person I brought had never seen or heard them and he fell in love with the band too.

I'm sorry you had less-than-a-stellar time Shane. I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

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Nice review, although I don't agree with some of your observations. I thought it was a good, not great show that delivered for the most part for a mid week gig.

I think the newer and/or original tunes were not as strong live compared to their covers. The crowd noticably lifted ( where I was standing ) when the Allstars dusted off the Shake Hands With Shorty tunes. Their original songs have a tendancy to reveal Luther's shortcomings as a songwriter and lead vocalist. Plus, some of the orginal tunes sound like watered-down Allman Brothers. I could hear Eat A Peach and Brothers & Sisters seeping in to the jams throughout the set - and the funny thing is, I've never heard Luther once state that the Allmans are an influence.

The Allstars are getting predicable musically and it has everything to do with their bland original tunes. I also think their youthful energy and buzz has worn off.

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