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Tory puts foot in mouth


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Ok, we REALLY need a politics forum. And, yeah, I'm posting this (complete with CBC bias) for no other reason than I despise the Tories. Still, I'm surprised by how little good judgement some politicians have.

Tory called 'disrespectful' to women

Conservative MP Brian Pallister said he would give a "woman's answer" to a question about his future in politics, a comment that has drawn fire from the Liberals.


"I am copping what's known as a woman's answer, isn't it? It's a sort of fickle kind of thing," he said, responding to criticism that a federal election campaign is no time for a candidate to be examining other job prospects.

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If you're picking up on my earlier comments, and believe the CBC does not impart a bias of its own, you're shallower than a kiddie pool Ollie.

You may just favour CBC's angle on a story over Fox's is all.

Ha ha, yeah... that was meant to be a gentle jab. I just thought your pointing it out in a previous thread was unnecessary. I realize that all news outlets have their own particular bias thankyouverymuch.

Anyone want to take a shot at ranking our networks on the political spectrum? Do we have an equivalent to Fox?

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C'mon, people pick up on what they do for discernible reasons sculpted from political engagement. At least people now get equal representation as doofuses, and not just people on the left on Fox (who do typically do well defending themeselves when allowed to, which just ain't often).

I've been waiting for a post with this Topic name. Thanks, Ollie!

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Anyone want to take a shot at ranking our networks on the political spectrum? Do we have an equivalent to Fox?

I can't speak much to networks (not having cable), though Canwest certainly is the first one to come to mind.

I've also been stunned every time I pick up the Ottawa Citizen, which I would have hoped was an alternative to the Sun. Maybe it's all the front-section Christmas content that's been getting to me, which has a distinctly literalistic flavour to it. I do remember, though, hearing Bob Harvey, the religion editor and a devout evangelical, being really excited a number of years back because the decision had been made to take religious content out of its own section and spread it through the rest of the paper.

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Citizen is Canwest, that's why. The Citizen is just the National Post/Global News packaged for a local market.

Oh, The Sun ... *shiver* ;)

(actually you probably already realize this about Citizen->CanWest. The phrasing threw me off, where you talked about CanWest but then were also stunned by the Citizen ...)

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Why do you think we need a politics forum? Do you miss stuff that's posted here?

I just thought it might be taking up too much space on the main page. Kind of like sports used to do. And relegating that topic to its own forum actually increased interest and participation.

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Calgary MP wants your thoughts on homosexual sex marriage

By Nelson Bennett

What does same sex-marriage have to do with crystal meth and crime?

That's what some Richmond residents were left wondering earlier this week when a leaflet from the office of Calgary West Conservative MP Rob Anders began showing up in their mailboxes.

The survey bears a masked man with a gun on the front, under the question: "Are you concerned about the impact of the Crystal Meth epidemic in your community?"

The mailer concludes: "Tell Paul Martin to get tough on crime by filling out this questionnaire."

There are four survey questions:

- Do you like the way Paul Martin spends your taxes?

- Are the Liberals doing enough to fight crime?

- Do you support homosexual sex marriage?

- Do you think more should be spent on the military?

Linking of SSM with social degeneration of the violent crime and drug variety aside, "homosexual sex marriage" made me laugh. I wonder if the wording is just simple idiocy, or a calculated attempt to direct the mind away from gender and invite one to entertain a visual image of two men fucking.

Homosexual sex marriage. Hahaha.


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ok, trying to get this thread back on track for a minute....

the guy's comment about women...in retrospective probably shouldn't have been said in public...but...women CAN be fickle...i don't see why that in itself is a derogatory comment...but i don't really understand how making a choice between 2 jobs, when you really shouldn't be considering another is womanish, or fickle. A federal election is no time to decide if you're a fed, or a prov candidate. I also didn't see a straight up quote, so couldn't get a feel on the dynamics of the question and answer. why didn't the article say "question?" "answer" instead of a quote? (as a side note i really don't understand why when a comment is made about a certain group of people that is in general true, but negative people take SUCH offence to it)

the liberal response is....silly at best. it's not a comment to get all torn up about and it's a good example of the liberals latching on to whatever they can and blowing it out of proportion. i sincerely doubt a comment like that makes women on the fence about voting and the political process turn her back on it. rather i think a comment like that would challenge a women in that position TO become a part of the process if she felt so threatened by it. to say that women's reaction is to turn tail and run is an EQUALLY bad comment about women in general. and to claim all your rightiousness in the name of women instead of the politician that you are...dumbfounds me..it really does.

on a positive note i guess....it's nice to see a politician comfortable enough with the process to not have their gaurd up all the time, to not have the propoganda machine in their head spinning at all times.

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