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Liberal puts foot in mouth


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Let it be noted that just as a tory can put his foot in his mouth, liberals are quite capable of it, too...

Don't give people 25 bucks a week to blow on beer and popcorn.

Reid was referring to Stephen Harper's proposed plan to give money to people for them to spend, as they saw fit, on child care.

Go read the CBC story for the full details, including the apology and Paul Martin's comments.



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okay.. still though.. it must suck.. always being 'listened' to.

foots do go in mouths from time to time and i'm sure in hindsight or in any kind of sight, they would have wished differently.

i just don't think we should judge a man or a party for that matter on a slip of the tongue.

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Dumb thing to say, but I don't think it's all bad, it does expose that pretty much every policy the Cons have announced is basically cutting people a cheque.

Hell, the day the Cons plan was announced there was a women on CBC who when asked what she would do with the cash said she would buy her kids christmas gifts.

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Yeah, I remember seeing the mother talking about Xmas gifts on CPAC. And definately, pretty much all the CPC policy announcements amount to tax cuts (some disguised, some not). Even today's announcement (although, I sort of like today's).

The thing that bothered me about what Reid said -- oh, important point I forgot to make above ... he's not a politician in the way that we normally think about what a politican is ... he's a party employee -- was that it was echoes of Mike Harris and his 'single mothers are alcoholic crack whores' message.

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what the hell did he say wrong.. that is the first thing I thought when I heard Stephen's harpers idea about the money...

Although I am certain that there are many mothers who would put that money to good use.

I can also assure you that there will be many many children who don't see a dime of that money...What is to stop some mother from popping out more and more kids just to get the money that Harper promieses them?

At least MArtin's idea will guarantee the programs get the money..

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Agreed, to the extent that I like Martin's proposal better than Harper's. Although I don't particularly relish either of them (blanket no-strings transfers to provinces don't exactly have a wonderful track record).

As far as spitting out kids go ... I don't think the CPC proposal really offers that much of an incentive. It isn't enough to meet daycare needs, certainly not enough to be an incentive to having children. We are talking a $1,200 a year baby-bonus here.

Mind you, Martin's idea won't guarantee that anything gets anything. And it doesn't kick in until 2010. (See you in the future. ;))

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