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Zero Reunion???


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I don't know where this originates, but it was posted by a reliable friend on another board...

"Ooops! Reports of our rebirth are not greatly exaggerated, merely premature. I'm happy to say that Greg and I are working on this, and feeling really good about it. But as of this time, neither venue, date or lineup are carved in stone.

It does happen occasionally that gigs are announced before they're confirmed. In this case, it looks like a rough draft of an entire calendar month was printed before the unconfirmed date could be retracted. While this is unfortunate, I believe it's an honest mistake, and I wouldn't want anyone to think that Zero is not moving forward with this long overdue event in a very positive way.

Greg Anton and myself, as founding members of Zero, really want to do this right out of respect for our long history of friendship and collaboration, and for Zero music and Zero fans. Please respect our efforts with this work

and trust that WE as Zero will announce our intentions when we get it just right. And in the meantime, try to keep your shorts on and please chut up!"

-Steve Kimock

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Well, this post is rather cryptic, so I don't even know what city it refers to, but this was posted by that same friend of mine on another board. I'm betting it refers to San Fran, but it looks like a tour is in the works:

Pigs do fly! Man I hope this comes up our way!

Zero: Chance in a Million Reunion Tour

March 9th, 10th, & 11th


The band that made Quixote's famous around the world and believed in us when no one else would returns to rock our socks off. If you have never seen this band before then you owe it to yourself to buy some tickets. They have been on indefinite hiatus for the last five years and this will be their first shows back. This band will take your breathe away as you become one with their sound. To hear it is to believe.

The lineup:

Bobby Vega

Martin Fierro

Greg Anton

Steve Kimock

Judge Murphy

Chip Roland

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Sounds like some Zero shows are a lock. Charlie Miller(Kimocks sound engineer) posted on the kimock-list that the taping policy for Zero would be same as the current SKB taping policies.

As for the line-up I'd love to see Bobby Vega back with Steve, but doubt that will happen. Either Chip or Pete is a plus on keys... I always liked that Chip would sing a few songs. As some folks can take or leave Judge Murphys voice.

Let hope they make around here, rather than just shows on the West Coast and Colorado.

...and in my best Marteeeeen voice. Chut Up! :P

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