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Thanks to One and Mr. Webster


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definately cheers to the gracious erb house crew... "ass dancer" Cary and "where do I live?" Del...if ever a night needed an after place gathering that was it

apologies had to duck out early, duty called... my poor friend wasn't accustomed to such a hightened level of celebration (she was moved by how friendly everyone were though)

hope someone got round to drinkin the Holsten's I left in the fridge ;)

will definately get out and visit you kids again someday soon and spend a little more time catchin up

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Rolled in to Hamilton around 8pm or so tonight, what a great weekend. A Huge thanks & cheers to Cary, Jay & Dwayne for putting me up for the weekend, not too mention puttin on one serious weekend of great times with nothing but amazing folks to enjoy it with. (pre & post show)

Also to Mark, Keri & all involved for the amazing night at the Lanc. Great music, people, and one helluva fun night.

Did Esau make it through the show at least or is he still sleeping at the Lanc?

I put in three or four hours over the weekend (last night), I dunno man, must be the company I keep when I have those episodes of passing out/sleeping at bars or parties. ;)


LargeMarge, sadly as of 6pm today the envelope hadn't been found. Great seeing you guys again also.

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