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Gregg Allman in St Catharines!!!


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I have it on very good authority that Gregg will be playin at HTZ FM (97.7) on July 10th.

He will do a half hour interview and play for about 30-40 minute too (possibly the parking lot of the station).

I'm not sure of the time or if the public is invited but all of this will be on the air...

More details to follow.

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Maybe I've misjudged HTZ FM. I always thought that their programming was focused strictly on hard rock with heavy doses of Pearl Jam and Guns & Roses. Although I still think Firing Line is a weak single from a very strong Allman Brothers album. It's good to know that the Mule and Phish get some rock radio airplay - and there's nothing wrong with getting airplay!

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I agree with your critique Chewie. For example, I just checked their Top 977 Hits list and Hendrix, Who and Stones don't score too often ( or very high: Satisfaction @ #9 was the highest amongst the 3 aforementioned artists ). I know that 97.7 is a heavy rock station, but no band is heavier than Hendrix.

Hey, are you still " on " for the ABB July 9th? Mr. Musicface is all over meeting up for beers before the show. Please say you're not skipping the meet-and-greet for the WP show. I know there's no Dickie, but along with Greg and the boys, you'll also be in the presence of the most famous roadie of all time: Red Dog.

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yeah i'm still going to the abb show...i think i'll be in toronto for around 1-2 or so...(i'll let u know what my sked will be like when i know so we can hook up)

our dinner party with the band is in ontario place at a private location...but not all members have to be there so we might be stuck with just marc...lol...kidding i love marc q

and we still have passes for the aftershow as well too...

i'm also in on the whole radio station gig the next day w/ gregg...i can sit in the studio and catch his mini-set...me and some buddies will be golfing that day too...we need a fourth, maybe g. allman could fill up our foursome... [big Grin]

all this and i'm still tempted to sit on the lawn to see wsp!!! crazy aint it?

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For me, 97.7 is right up there with the Almighty Q.. Although I must admit, when a song like Motley Crue's "Wild Side" comes on, I lose my shit. [big Grin]

That'd make a good question of the day eh? What 5 radio stations are programmed into your car stereo? Although I guess it would be only of interest to people of mutual areas and whatnot.

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for rawk stations i prefer the mighty Q...pysch sunday is a pretty good show...plus joanne wilder is hot!!! Yummy!

97.7 is a little too much sometimes...

plus... i was just thinking...the mule is playing in buffalo that night and warren might make a guest appearance! how cool would that be?

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My main problem with rock stations, and music stations in general, is that they lack imagination and genuine " balls " in their playlist programming: the Q's Psychadelic Sunday included. The same songs are recycled on an hourly basis, and in the case of Q-107, a yearly basis. Hey Q: there are other Dead songs other than Sugar Magnolia and Truckin'. There are other important bands in the album oriented rock format other than Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Stones, Beatles and Who.

Why can't stations like the Q and The Edge play important artists that may not fit into their mainstream format, but are extremely influential to the fabric of rock and roll culture?

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