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Happy IWD


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(Not to be confused with Happy WMD, which I think falls on March 20.)

So there's only just under six hours left of it, but as nobody's yet posted on it, here ya go. Women: I love 'em. The world is fucked up, and lots of men are assholes. I'm sorry about that. There's a reason there's no International Men's Day.


International Women's Day


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And as Douglas was good to point out, I've now got two versions of the same thread in play. 'Scuse me why my lame male brain sorts out how to get rid of #2...


(Male tries to sort it out...)

(Realises he can't.)

(Copies content of other thread: to wit,)

Happy IWD, all you women. You deserve all the love and respect the world has to offer, and more. Thank you for being.

(Hastily retreats from post before succumbing to further embarrassment.)

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