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I am assuming this is regarding my comments; Scott... Interesting observation--I am definitely not one that practices "tact." I guess its an obvious fault which I should take accountability for... However, I like to speak my mind as i--share my honest thoughts and opinions. Sometimes I think they are mis-interpreted to mean something other than what I am trying to articulate--(articulation is another one of my weaknesses since often times try to attempt to describe what I am thinking, it comes out the suggesting something completely foreign... (And I have an english degree---must have been some sympathetic professors at Brock)

Anyways, I just want to point out that I don't come on here looking to offend others, not my bag... I do love to debate, philosophize ideas, and discuss subjects that I know little about, comparatively speaking--(one example is the music scene, because I have really only taken a deep association to it over the past few years).... I guess its hard not to be ignorant when, well your ignorant!

I don't think "tact" will ever be an attribute I will truly grasp, so my apologies to those I indirectly offend.

Anyways, I think I have bored enough people with my rants today--carry on and have a good one!!!

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I think this refers to me. Yes, on the surface, it appears I lack tact. But I relate tact to strategy:

'A plan of action or policy designed to acheive an overall aim.'

That being said, while my strategy lacks tact, I'd like to think that, if more people had grains of salt to wash down my words with, they might not be offended, but brush it off and say:

'Hey, that's a blunt way of looking at it that may not appeal to my sensitive sensibilities, but there's the other side of the argument on an offensive nutshell.'

I'm going on Hiatus from the board soon. I will take one last tour of awkward Q and A sessions. Details to come. You heard it here first.

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no, i think he's referring to me.

sometimes i tell guigsy to screw off, some times I will post a picture of a person doing something ridiculously disgusting and I'll photoshop guigsy's head in there. you never know what I might come up with.

I just don't know how to hold it in.

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dup - nothin' to do with you, brother...

yats - i've got big grains of salt to wash your words away.. but i still have no use for digs and insults - they're not necessary when making a point. looking forward to your hiatus.

bouche - i've always wanted to see my face on that famous nolte mug... whaddaya say?

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